- Once China joins in WTO, the export of textile products will leap. 中国加入世贸组织后,纺织产品的出口将会进一步增加。
- After china join WTO,the export of textile product would increase further more. 中国加入世贸组织后,纺织产品的出口将会进一步增加。
- Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
- The minister has lifted the embargo on the export of firearms. 部长已经解除对火器出口的贸易禁令。
- Our corporation specialized in the export of textiles. 我们公司专营纺织品的出口。
- The export of tvs has greatly increased. 电视机的出口已大大增加。
- We contact with you for the export of chemicals. 我们是为了出口化工产品的事与你方联系的.
- The export of prison products is prohibited. 中国出口商品的经营是由外贸部门统一管理的。
- Do you handle the export of chinaware? 你们经营瓷器的出口吗?
- The export of these curios is prohibited. 这些古玩是不准出口的。
- I'm sorry the export of these curios is prohibited. 对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。
- The export of farm produce needs to be expanded. 努力扩大农产品出口。
- I'm sorry, the export of curios is prohibited. 恐怕携带古物出境是违禁的。
- The export of gold is forbidden. 禁止黄金出口。
- We specialized in the export of table cloth. 我们主要出口桌布。
- We specialize in the export of table-cloths. 我们主要出口桌布。
- I'm sorry,the export of curios is prohibited. 恐怕携带古物出境是违禁的。
- The export of the textile products will increase more after China join in WTO. 中国加入世贸组织后,纺织产品的出口将会进一步增加。
- The tax rebates on export of textile materials and products, timepieces, shoes, ceramics, steels and products, and cements are increased to 12%. 纺织原料及制品,钟表,鞋,陶瓷,钢材及其制品,水泥的出口退税率提高到12
- I am sorry the export of these curios is prohibited. 对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。