- the expansion in power series 幂级数展开式
- The party expects to be back in power after the election. 该党希望大选以後能重新掌权。
- How many new dungeons will be in the expansion? 资料片中有几个地下城?
- The expansion in domestic loans was partly attributable to increased borrowings for purchasing new equity shares. 本地贷款增长,部分原因是用于购买新股的贷款增加。
- How many zones will be in the expansion? 资料片有几个区域?
- However, it develops that the rate of cooling during the expansion in any practical nozzle is too fast for the recombination to occur. 然而,实际情况是,然后实际喷管里气流膨胀时冷却速度都很快,使分子来不及重新化合。
- With the first a few months training &working in one of Decathlon stores, then work as the expansion in the city which you apply for. 一经录用,先期几个月将在迪卡侬其中一家商场接受培训和工作,以便了解迪卡侬商场经营模式。
- Success in the peace talks has crowned this government's period in power. 和谈成功是本届政府执政期间的最大成就。
- After the expansion in recent years, increasingly large scale, covers an area of nearly Baimu, a Taoist activities of the Guangdong Center. 经过近几年的扩建,规模越来越大,占地面积有近百亩,形成广东道教活动的中心。
- Study of the Theory of Power Series Expansion in Chinese Traditional Mathematics 中国传统数学思想对幂级数理论的研究
- The men in power have all the nasty impulses. 当权诸公也有种种见不得人的想法呢。
- With the first a few months training &working in one of Decathlon stores, then work as the expansion in the city which you apply for. So please note the city. 一经录用,先期几个月将在迪卡侬其中一家商场接受培训和工作,以便了解迪卡侬商场经营模式。因此,请注明您申请的城市。
- The Conservative Party is now in power. 现在由保守党执政。
- But with the expansion in its use and extending in its function,the attribute of cur rency for the network virtual money gradually derived from the virtual world. 随着其使用基础的扩大和功能的延伸.;网络虚拟货币在虚拟世界逐步衍生出了类似货币的属性。
- Mr Kuroda said most of the expansion in the capital would come in the form of “quorum capital”, which is guaranteed by shareholder countries but not committed in cash. 黑田东彦表示,增加的资金大多将以“选定资本”的形式进入亚行,即由股东国担保,但不交付现金。
- The party in power soon learns what it's like to be on the receiving end of political satire. 执政党很快就尝到了遭受政治讽刺的滋味。
- The expansion is fund completely by the private sector. 此项发展是完全由私营部门出资的。
- The Democratic Party was then in power. 那时民主执政。
- The expanse in which the solar system, stars, and galaxies exist; the universe. 宇宙太阳系、星、银河存在的空间;宇宙
- China is a country where the people are in power. 中国是个人民掌权的国家。