- the ethnic history of China 中国民族史
- They denied the history of the great motherland jointly built by all the ethnic groups of China. 否认中国各民族共同缔造伟大祖国的历史。
- His name is inseparable with the history of China. 他的名字和中国历史是分不开的。
- The long history of China gives us aspirations. 中国的悠久历史给了我们抱负.
- Yang Cihu's ethical thoughts occupy an important place in the ethnical history of the School of Mind. 杨慈湖伦理思想在陆王心学伦理思想史中占据了独特的地位。
- This book deals with the ancient history of China. 这本书讨论中国古代史。
- I purpose to write the History of china. 我意欲著中国史。
- It's a textbook on the history of china. 它是一本有关中国历史的教科书。
- The Dulong ethnicity is one of the ethnic minorities of China. 独龙族是我国的少数民族之一。
- The Outline History of China" is just going into its third edition. 《中国简史》正要出第3版了。
- In a sense you were a witness to the Grand History of China. 可以说,您见证了中国的历史巨变。
- The earthquake rewrite the history of China's earthquake. 这场大地震改写了中国的地震历史。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- As a kind of collective memory of an ethnic group, the composition of epic has close relation with the early history of the ethnic group. 作为族群的一种集体记忆,史诗的形成与族群的早期历史密切相关。
- Are a branch of the ethnic Hani minority. 哦,没问题。走吧。是哈尼族的一个分支。
- To seek the Hakka female images is helpful to enter the history of Hakka culture and know about how the ethnic group characters generate and develop. 对客家女性形象的寻找和发现,有助于我们走进客家文化的历史语境,来认知族群人物性格的生成和建构。
- Kazak, one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of China, has its own unique folk custom. 哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。
- She's written the definitive history of Vienna. 她写下了权威性的维也纳历史。
- The ethnic outstanding traditional morality of china is an important part of Chinese traditional morality. 中国少数民族优秀传统道德是中华传统道德的重要组成部分;