- Since ancient times rulers have recognized, explicitly or implicitly, the ethnic common laws or even incorporated them into the state laws. 早在古代统治者们就或明或暗地认可少数民族习惯法甚至将其纳入国家制定法之中。
- the ethnic common laws 少数民族习惯法
- For example in a Yi ethnic tribe in Yunnan Province, there was a group of people who knew the common law very well and who acted as executors of the law, revered by the ethnic group as Degu or Mosa. 例如在云南省彝族部落里,有一个熟悉习惯法并作为执行者的群体,他们被本民族人尊称为“德古”或“莫萨”。
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之妇的身份普通法中已婚妇女的身份
- The connection between common law and Roman law. 第一节:论证英美法和罗马法的联系。
- Are a branch of the ethnic Hani minority. 哦,没问题。走吧。是哈尼族的一个分支。
- Dousing the ethnic flames will be difficult. 要浇熄民族矛盾的火焰并非易事。
- Common law has no statutory basis. 习惯法没有成文法基础.
- The common law continues to apply. 普通法继续适用。
- Hong Kong adopted the common law. 香港采用普通法。
- The common law in Scotland is based on precedent. 苏格兰普通法是建立在判例体系基础上的。
- Family Disowns Her.Guess The Ethnicity. 主题: Re: 8-Year-Old Raped.
- It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny. 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。
- Family planning is also advocated among the ethnic minorities. 对少数民族,国家也实行计划生育。
- Look, it's a silver ornament of the ethnic She people. 您瞧,就是这畬族银饰。
- Robbery and murder are both offences against the common law. 抢劫和谋杀都是违反普通法的。
- The ethnic costumes you are wearing are so beautiful! 他是我的搭档,渊源。你们穿的兄弟民族服装真好看啊!
- The concept of due process is rooted in English common law. 正当程序概念来源于英国的普通法。
- The Hani ethic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China. 哈尼族是中国的一个少数民族。
- The rule of law prevails,along with our common law system. 香港仍以普通法为基础推行法治。