- The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑。
- the ethical good 道德之善
- The ethical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest. 自私自利认为道德以自我利益为基础的道德观念
- The ethic assigns the moral values of good, evil and neutral to all human acts. 这种道德规范为人类的所有行为建立了良好,邪恶和中立的道德判断。
- Describe the ethical dilemma you have faced. 描述你曾面临两难的情况。
- Writing About the Ethics of Work Mead, Rebecca. 关于工作伦理的写作。
- But the ethics issue rumbles on. 可是,道德问题却一直萦绕。
- The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good. 快乐论认为只有令人快乐或带来快乐结果的东西才是在本质上好的伦理信条
- A system has shape plasticity and can promote the forming of people's good conducts, standardize people's acts and maintain the ethical orientation. 制度具有形塑性,制度能促进人们良好品行的养成,规范人们的行为,维系道德的向度。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- The main topic was the ethical implications of such a transplant. 研讨会的主题是关于脸部移植的伦理含义。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- Intensive scuffles increased here between the ethic and the media. 道德和新闻在此剧烈碰撞。
- Technology ethical evaluation is a good or bad,mercy or evil judgment made by certain people based on the ethical standards. 技术的伦理评价是人们基于一定的伦理标准对技术进行的善与恶、好与坏的判断。
- The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that. 他的职业道德不容许他那样做。
- The streamers thus illustrate the ethical dualism taught by Zarathushtra. 因此,这条横幅是阐明了琐罗亚斯德教导的与伦理有关的二元论。
- In the ethical thoughts of Confucian philosophers in Song and Ming Dynasty, the "fall child" in Mencius was often cited as evidence for the human good nature. 摘要宋明理学家在其道德学说中,经常征引《孟子》中“孺子将入于井”的譬喻。
- His good manners bespoke the gentleman. 他的彬彬有礼显示他是个绅士。
- Foster good managing the ethics cultural environment publically . 培育良好的公共管理伦理文化环境。