- Our overriding concern is the eradication of illiteracy. 我们最关心的事是消除文盲
- the eradication of apartheid 种族隔离的根除
- Emit drug fog, the eradication of the heinous germs! 喷出药雾,消灭出现的可恶病菌!
- The eradication of an established infestation is not easy. 根除昆虫蔓延是不容易的。
- The eradication of craving triumphs over all suffering. 渴爱止息超越诸苦。
- To lift sanctions now would be to run the risk of aborting the process towards the complete eradication of apartheid. 如果现在解除制裁,彻底消灭种族隔离的进程就会有夭折的危险。
- Globalization has to be seen to mean the eradication of poverty. 全球化必须意味着根除贫困。
- Continuous, ongoing efforts are necessary for the eradication of hay fever. 这些持续不断的努力都是消除花粉症的需要。
- Is the eradication of Helicobacter pylori a way to prevent gastric cancer? 根除幽门螺杆菌可否作为胃癌的化学预防手段?
- Rotary will be recognized for its leadership and success in the eradication of polio. 扶轮将被表彰其于根除小儿麻痹等疾病内的领导与成功。
- PolioPlus is Rotary's commitment to the certi fi cation of the eradication of polio. 根除小儿痲痹等疾病计划是扶轮对于根除小儿痲痹的承诺。
- A little taste of the alloy, the eradication of this city all the biological variability! 有点合金的味道,消灭这座城市所有的生物变异人!
- Your task is to seize a warehouse, the eradication of criminals and successful rescue of the hostages, starting! 你们的任务是攻占仓库,消灭罪犯,成功将人质解救出来,出发吧!
- Ever since then, Guo viewed flies as his mortal enemy and decided to devote the rest of his life to the eradication of the bothersome insects. 从那时起,郭把苍蝇看成自己的死对头,决心今后把所有的精力都用在消灭这种烦人的害虫上面。
- A clay roof tile is stepped on and crushed on the fire. The broken tile represents the eradication of past evils. 踩瓦片过火炉意谓去邪,踩碎瓦片则比喻过去时光如瓦之碎。
- This is the true meaning of apartheid. 这是种族隔离的真正含意。
- The Trustees agreed that the IPPC will continue until the global certification of the eradication of polio. 保管委员会核准该委员会可延续至全球证实根除小儿痲痹为止。
- Since the latter control the associations, the overthrow of religious authority and the eradication of superstition are going on everywhere. 农民协会是青年和壮年农民当权,所以对于推翻神权,破除迷信,是各处都在进行中的。
- The CDC also played a key role in one of the greatest triumphs of public health: the eradication of smallpox. 该中心还在最伟大的公共卫生胜利-根除天花-中发挥了关键作用。
- Dr Chan addressed another potentially huge gain for children around the world: the eradication of polio. 陈提到另一个潜在巨大易感人群,就是全球儿童:消灭脊髓灰质炎。