- The characteristics of the epoch. 就是时代的特点。
- The epoch of revolution creates great figures. 革命时代造就伟大的人物。
- His leadership illuminated the epoch. 他的领导给这个时代增添了光彩。
- It is also the needs of the epoch. 安妮:杰夫,游完泳了?
- Labour value theory, an important theoretical issue in Marxist political economics, is a great innovation with rich content and of epoch making significance. 劳动价值论是马克思政治经济学中一个非常重要的理论问题,在理论上是一个伟大创举,具有丰富的内容和划时代的意义。
- Madame Cottin was proclaimed the chief writer of the epoch. 歌丹夫人被推为当时的第一作家。
- The Revolution had many of these men, proportioned to the epoch. 革命时期有过许多那样的人,都和那时代相称。
- This span of time delineates the epoch of planet formation. 另一个可能是,行星也许在恒星上引起潮汐涨落,恒星因而对行星轨道施加力矩,阻止它前进。
- It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity. 楼主,缺“那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期”这一句哦!
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- This was the epoch when a National Guardsman fought like a Zouave. 在那个时代国民自卫军打起仗来就象轻步兵一样。
- It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch incredulity. 那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;
- This enablement is not unlimited; rather, it is subject to review at the next scheduled decision making event, typically associated with another milestone in the work plan and schedule. 此种允许是不受限制的,相反地,其受到下一个安排好的决策制定事件中的审阅,与工作计划和进度中的另一个里程碑相关。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Aloscience, logic and mathematics included, is a function of the epoch. 所有科学,包括逻辑学和数学在内,都是有关时代的函数。
- All science, logic and mathematics included, is a function of the epoch. 所有科学,包括逻辑学和数学在内,都是有关时代的函数。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- The past epoch is gone, never to return. 过去的时代已经一去不复返了。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- I see in him the making of a hero. 我看他有英雄的气质。