- The emerging technology at the time was Web services. 当时的新兴技术是Web服务。
- John Ibbotson is a member of the Emerging Technology Services group based at the Hursley Development Laboratory near Winchester in the UK. John Ibbotson是位于英国温彻斯特市Hursley开发实验室Emerging Technology Services小组的一名成员。
- Extensible Markup Language(XML)is the emerging technology of the year 1998 after it was endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 可扩展标记语言 XML是一项新兴的网络技术,它由 W3C制订并于 1998年正式发布。
- To cater to this audience, IDC has established a new program, called the Emerging Technology Advisory Services (ETAS) in Asia/Pacific. 为了迎合这一趋势,IDC现已在亚太地区发起了一项名为“新兴技术咨询服务”(ETAS)的新计划。
- Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd.Cixi Si Pute Cixi City is the emerging technology industry companies, mainly produces computer Zhoubian products. 慈溪斯普特电子实业有限公司是慈溪市新兴科技产业公司,主要生产电脑周遍产品。
- The emerging technology of stem cells replacing failing cells with potent new cells may produce better results because the patient is receiving the whole genetic system at once. 新兴的干细胞技术用有潜能的新细胞替代失去功能的细胞,有可能获得更理想的结果,因为病人一下子接受到的是全部完整的遗传系统。
- In recent years, the emerging technology, data warehousing, provides a means to integrate various operational databases into a data warehouse to facilitate on-line data analysis. 近几年,资料仓储技术将不同来源的操作性资料库整合成资料仓库,以便利支援决策分析。
- For the past year he has worked in the Emerging Technologies area overseeing a variety of incubator projects. 去年他进入Emerging Technologies领域,主管了多个孵化器项目。
- How will the emerging technologies of reconstructive surgery affect the facial appearances of each one of us and cultural perceptions of identity? 不断创新的颜面重建手术科技如何影响我们每一个人的外观,还有文化定义上的身分认知?
- The visionaries, “believe that the emerging technologies signal a radical change in every aspect of scholarly communication”. 有远见者认为新兴技术从根本上改变了每一个方面的学术交流。
- ETAS is helmed by the Emerging Technology Council, which consists of 10 senior IDC analysts and executives and is responsible for the identification of new technologies and trends in the ICT industry. 新兴技术咨询服务计划由IDC新兴技术委员会负责,该委员会由10名来自IDC研究部门和管理层的资深人员组成,负责判断ICT行业中的新技术和新趋势。
- The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations. 二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。
- The emerging buds were a sure sign of spring. 植物发芽是春天来临的真正标志。
- I'm looking for the emergency room. 我正在找急诊室。
- Multisensor data fusion is an emerging technology applie. 内容:多传感器信息融合,多运用于军事的技术。
- The emergency services stand (ie are) ready to help if necessary. 紧急救难处随时可以驰援。
- Africa is now the emerging area of the world. 非洲是世界上正在展露头角的地区。
- A second emerging technology is based on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). 第二种是基于有机发光二极管的显示器。
- The card in your seat pocket will tell you where the emergency exit be. 您座位口袋里的卡片会告诉您安全门在哪儿。
- The air raids had surcharged the emergency wards. 空袭加强了紧急防卫。