- Loyalty to the regime could be undermined in subtler ways, such as offering apparatchiks and the elite education abroad. 对该政权的忠心能以更巧妙的方式,如向其党员和精英阶层提供海外教育,加以破坏。
- However,the elite education in the era of popularized higher education,who is not that in the era of elite education,has specially appointed connotation and significance. 然而,高等教育大众化阶段的精英教育,不是精英教育阶段的精英教育,具有特定内涵和意义。
- Well, welcome to the Elite Hotel. 欢迎您光临伊利特饭店。
- Global Elite Education Development Co., Ltd. 环球精英教育发展有限公司。
- They are the elite of the society. 他们是社会知名人士。
- He considers himself to be one of the elite. 他觉得自己是优秀分子之一。
- The elite heavy cavalry for the Crown of Aragon. 素质:精英类型:后期专业部队阿拉贡的精英重骑兵。
- The attendees of today's party are all the elite. 今天来参加宴会的都是些头头脑脑的人物。
- Revitalized Motown but Can the Team Beat the Elite? 底特律复苏了,但他们能击败顶尖高手吗?
- The elite are the competitive focus of 21 century. 精英人才是21世纪国际间竞争的焦点。
- In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children. 在这些国家里,只有上层人士才供得起子女上学。
- the elite education 精英教育
- The trend of higher education is that popularized education and elite education develop simultaneously. 在大众化阶段,研究型大学应始终坚持精英教育的理念;
- Meanwhile, the college sports for all and elite education de veloped in an imbalanced way. 隐性因素在于高等体育大众教育与精英教育发展失衡。
- This paper discusses on the relationship of the popular medicine education and elite education as well as how the features of education on elite is kept. 文章就大众化背景下高等医学教育大众化与精英教育的关系,以及如何保持精英教育的特征等问题进行了探讨。
- In the newspapers the elite simply argued with the elite. 在报纸上,上层人士只是与上层人士争辩而已。
- Simply hoping rarely works, at least not against the elite. 单纯地许愿然后草草了事这样的工作态度()少不是用来说精英的。
- The elite student is well noted for his industry and fecund mind. 勤奋和思想丰富。
- We focus on the elite, professional and competitive amateurs. 我们关注优秀的、专业的、能干的业余人士。
- On the whole, the elite are not sensitive to criticism. 大体说来,那位精英份子并不在意批评。