- He died in the early hours of Sunday morning. 他于星期天凌晨去世。
- The earliest hours of the day; dawn. 黎明一日中最初的几个小时; 拂晓
- They banqueted until the early hours of the morning. 他们的宴会一直继续到凌晨。
- The fighting began in the early hours of Saturday morning. 战斗在星期六凌晨打响了。
- The disco party raised the roof until the early hours of the morning. 那场迪斯科舞会吵闹至凌晨才结束。
- An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning. 凌晨时分向首都发起了攻击。
- The report that reached me in the early hours of the morning was most alarming. 清晨送到我手里的报告委实令人惊恐。
- She was found in the Maidstone area in the early hours of this morning. 今日凌晨,在梅德森地区找到她并且已经将其带回拘留所。”
- I met some old friends and we went on the razzle till the early hours of the morning. 我碰到了几个老朋友,我们一起外出痛饮直到凌晨。
- In the early hours of the following morning their bodies were found lying on a country road. 第二天一大早,他们的尸体被发现横在乡间的小路上。
- Because they were borrowing the studio,they were forced to record into the early hours of the morning. 因为他们是借用录音棚,所以不得不从夜里录到清早。
- We were up talking about various things until the early hours of the morning,and didn't turn in until past two o'clock. 我们谈天说地直谈到凌晨,到凌晨两点才睡觉。
- In the early hours of this morning Frank Lampard's private residence was the subject of a burglary. 今天零晨弗兰克-兰帕德的私人住所遭到歹徒光顾。
- In the early hours of the morning he reached the fact that his will power must be unusual and strong. 到次日凌晨,他已经得出结论:他的意志力肯定是非凡的、强大的。
- The faithful waited in long queues from the early hours of Tuesday morning to bid Sister Lucia farewell. 群众在星期二一大早就排长队等候着,向露西娅修女告别。
- Next up for Paraguay is a clash with Uruguay in the early hours of Sunday morning. 接下来,巴拉圭将在周日早晨迎来和乌拉圭的比赛。
- Sept. 19 in the early hours of receiving the official Jihai on the FA after he sent off the allegations. 在9月19日的凌晨,继海正式接到英足总的对他被罚下场后的行为的指控。
- She was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary where she died in the early hours of the morning of multiple injuries. 她被带到皇家医院落;并将早晨的早些时候带着成倍的伤害死去.
- It wasn't till the early hours of morning that a policeman found her lying,more dead than alive,in the park where she had been beaten up. 直到清晨,一个警察才发现她被打得半死不活地躺在公园里。
- The house was raided in the early hours. 这座房子在清晨遭突击搜查。