- the dwindling picture 缩略图
- Red Talons guard the dwindling wolf packs across the world. 红色魔爪越过世界保护那些日益缩小的狼组织。
- It offers an alternative to the dwindling supplies of natural gas. 这一过程为正在减少中的天然气供应提供了另外的来源。
- There is no greater sadness than the dwindling away of a family. 没有比家人离去更悲痛的了。
- Meggie followed the dwindling forms of her brothers at a run. 麦琪奔跑着追赶哥哥们逐渐缩小的背影。
- The dwindling of the Aibi Lake causes the environment depravation. 艾比湖湖面不断萎缩,流域生态环境问题十分严峻。
- Meggie followed the dwindling forms of her brothers at a run . 麦琪奔跑着追赶哥哥们逐渐缩小的背影。
- Most of the dwindling takings are used to pay off winning bets. 大部分减少的收入都被用于支付赛马投中的奖金。
- Follow the dwindling sphere with the mouse. Straying off makes you lose ... 卡卡洛普聊天大厅*请输入暱称(英文)进入聊天吧!
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- One could see in the roll of his eyes just how he had glanced covertly over the dwindling pile of chips at his step-father's party. 人们从他的乱转的眼珠里能看出他怎样贪梦地盯着他继父那逐渐减少的筹码。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我无论如何也不卖那幅画。
- The animals can now only be seen in the dwindling open fields of the new territories. 现在,只能在正在缩小的新地区的露天区域看到这些动物了。
- The civil rights activist has taken a strong stance on the dwindling Detroit automobile industry. 的民权活动家已经采取了强有力的上的原则立场减少底特律汽车业。
- She laid the picture face downward on the table. 她把那幅画正面朝下放在桌上。
- And from a practical point of view, this destruction of habitat contributes to the dwindling of fish stocks worldwide. 并且从实际的角度来说,这种对栖息环境的破坏促使了世界鱼类储量的缩小。
- There is no way out for these unflagging little creatures;only the dwindling of their batteries can provide rest. 这些努力不歇的小生物没有出路,只有当电池耗尽了才能休息。
- The picture is much clearer with the new aerial. 装上新天线后画面清晰多了。
- I do not like the dwindling of the rainbow skies bleak smile, I like the moonlight as water, flowing like the clear impression, and sparkling. 我不喜欢虚浮的天空暗淡彩虹的微笑,我喜欢如水的月光,流水一样清清亮亮,晶莹剔透。
- In the picture a man is seen observing a meter. 你在图中可以看见一个人在观察仪表。