- The donor wants to be listed as John Doe. 该捐献者希望匿名
- The school was named after the donor. 这所学校是以那位捐助者的名字命名的。
- His body rejected the liver of the donor. 他的身体排斥捐赠者的肝。
- The donor prefers to remain anonymous. 捐赠者希望不披露姓名。
- The donor's identity is a close secret. 捐赠人的身分是一个严加保守的秘密。
- It was several months before the donor replied. 几个月后捐献者回复了。
- The donor engraved the following inscription upon it. 捐献者在它上面刻下了如下铭文。
- The foundation agrees to spend the money as directed by the donor. 基金会同意按捐赠者的意思来分配使用捐款。
- The phage has replicated and the donor cells have lysed. 噬菌体已复制和给体细胞已发生裂解。
- The donor's blood is compatible with the recipient's. 供血者的血和受血者的血是相容的。
- She has no way of tracking the donor or her half-siblings down. 她没办法找到那个捐精者或她的兄弟姐妹。
- The donor is not liable for any defect in the gift property. 第一百九十一条赠与的财产有瑕疵的,赠与人不承担责任。
- The donor was a brain- dead man volunting to give out his hands. 供体取自脑死亡自愿损献者.
- There wer e skin ulcer and pain on the donor foot in 10 cases. 手部功能恢复较为满意,10例足部供区出现瘢痕不愈或步行时疼痛等并发症。
- The donee shall give truthful answers to the donor's inquiries. 对于捐赠人的查询,受赠人应当如实答复。
- It's our custom to unwrap a present in the donor's presence. 我们一般不在送礼人面前打开或者评论礼物。
- The donor site was sutured directly or covered with skin graft. 皮瓣供区直接缝合或游离植皮修复。
- "China has become the donor of last resort," Eberstadt says. 他说:“中国已成为了(北朝鲜)最后的援助。”
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。