- Crew E: The dichotomy of good and evil. 善良与邪恶的集合体。
- This survey highlights the dichotomy in all of us," Berman said. 该调查汇集了在我们所有的二分法”伯曼说。
- The dichotomy between members and directors is absent. 不存在合伙成员和董事分立的情况。
- The dichotomy of discovery and establishment of law also has certain foundations in hermeneutic. 法的发现与证立之二分同时存在解释学上的依据。
- The problems are traced back to the notion of difference and the dichotomy originated in modern linguistics. 而追述渊源,形式主义的思维方式是源于现代语言学的差异论与二元对立思想。
- The dichotomy allows Wood to inject a bit of aggravated humor into his performance. 这种两面性允许伍德在自己的表演里注入一点严酷的幽默。
- But perhaps instead it is time to ask whether the dichotomy between banks and markets might be false. 不过,与之相反,现在或许正是我们反思银行和市场两分法是否正确的时机。
- Part of the dichotomy or balancing in a free-will zone is the allowance of all things, even tyrannies. 二分法部分或平衡自由意志地域是宽容一切甚至苛政。
- Yesterday, she explained the dichotomy between the active principle of yang and the passive principle of yin. 昨天她解释了阳的主动原则与阴的被动原则之间的本质对立。
- As is showed in semi-modem theory, the dichotomy of modern society and traditional society has become out of date. 摘要半现代理论认为,现代社会和传统社会的二分法已经过时了,现实世界分为现代社会和半现代社会。
- I am interested in the dichotomy of strength versus fragility and the movement of the light with the clay. 我的兴趣就是要通过作品力度与柔度的对比及光线的集中来表现运动之美。
- The purpose of this paper is to provide an argument to resolve the dichotomy by emphasizing the profession in vocational education. 本文之目的即在于提出一项论证以消解此一对立之情形。
- The author discovers that the view on the entity of Atomism unavoidably leads to the dichotomy of science reason and value reason. 作者分析了“能力”观在理解科学理性和价值理性中的关键地位,由此揭示了近现代西方形而上学的原子主义实体观必然导致科学理性和价值理性的二分对立。
- The article discusses the issues such as abandoning ideologies, role consciousness of the dichotomy of subjective and objective, advocati... 本文讨论了在边界内应注意摒弃意识形态、主客两分法的角色意识,倡导学术民主,注重知识谱系、学科理论研究和实践相结合。
- The dichotomy between direct and indirect taxes ultimately proved to be a stumbling block in the development of our present federal tax structure. 直接税与间接税之间的差异已成为美国现行联邦税制发展的障碍。
- The appearance of firm network is a result of pursuing efficiency among firms,and a challenge to the dichotomy on firm and market of modern firm theories. 企业网络的出现是企业追求效率的结果,同时,它的出现也对现代企业理论关于企业与市场的两分法提出了挑战。
- The legitimacy study under the guidance of the dichotomy of facts and value classifies legitimacy study into empirical legitimacy theory and normativist legitimacy theory. 摘要事实与价值二分法指导下的合法性研究将合法性理论分为经验主义合法性理论和规范主义合法性理论。
- Both the rationality and the sensibility noumena are limited within the dichotomy of the aesthetic thought, and therefore result in non-aesthetics of art education. 理性本体专注于知识技能灌输,强调艺术教育的确定化、秩序化、程序化;
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The emergency of polygyny or polygamy is the result of historical, economic and cultural conditions.It should not be analyzed with the dichotomy of advance-blindness, us-other. 摘要一夫多妻或一妻多夫现象的产生是历史、经济和文化多种条件作用的结果,不能用先进-愚昧、我族-他族的两分法做简单化分析。