- At30 we need to settle down to our lives and shed from fantasies. But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at40. 30岁时,我们需要安定下来,丢掉幻想。但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。
- the despondent person 悒郁者
- It was Fan Po-wen, looking no more cheerful than the despondent servants. 这是范博文,他那一脸没精打采的神气正不下于这些“失望”了的当差。
- The twilight of the room prevented her father from seeing the despondent misery of her face. 屋子里的昏暗光线使她父亲无法看到她沮丧、痛苦的面容。
- At30we need to settle down to our lives and shed from fantasies.But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at40. 30岁时,我们需要安定下来,丢掉幻想。但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。
- At 30 we need to settle down to our lives and shed from fantasies. But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at 40. 30岁时,我们需要安定下来,丢掉幻想。但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。
- At30 we need to settle downto our lives and shed from fantasies. But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at40. 30岁时,我们需要安定下来,丢掉幻想。但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。
- After Lowell scores point, rare roars is divulging the despondent mood, he finally will possess question crushing. 皇马队长还在努力争取自己的第四座欧冠奖杯和第七个联赛冠军,白色传奇还在继续。
- The despondent feeling amongst fans leaving the ground on Saturday was totally understandable. 输了比赛后,走出球场的球迷们心头一定郁闷异常,这当然是可以理解的。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- He promises to relieve the burdened mind, to comfort the sorrowing, and to give hope to the despondent. 他应许解除人精神上的负担,安慰忧伤的人,使灰心的人有希望。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。
- Feng Yun-ching was worrying about his debts, while the despondent Mei-ching was despairing of ever getting her hundred dollars. 父女两个各自在想心事。 眉卿觉得她的一百元未必有希望了,满心的阴悒;
- The name of the slough was Despond. 这个深渊名叫绝望。
- You are just the person I want to see. 你正是我要见的人。
- Because he did not remember to show lovingkindness, But persecuted the afflicted and needy man, And the despondent in heart, to put them to death. 因为他不想施恩、却逼迫困苦穷乏的、和伤心的人、要把他们治死。
- The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
- The self-potency feeling is affecting the individual to the latent threat vigilance, thus is affecting anxious arousing with the despondent production. 自我效能感影响着个体对潜在威胁的警觉,从而影响着焦虑的唤起和抑郁的产生。
- The person of ingratitude has a sad exit at last. 那个忘恩负义的人最终的下场很可悲。
- He was the most timorous person in that event. 在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。