- The demon of alcohol haunted him his entire life. 他的一生为酒这个恶魔所缠扰。
- The demon of greed ruined the miser's happiness. 贪得无厌的恶习毁掉了那个守财奴的幸福。
- He has been possessed by the demon of disease for years. 他多年来病魔缠身。
- the demon of jealousy 妒忌的恶念
- Was pursued by the demons of lust and greed. 被淫欲及贪婪的幽灵所纠缠
- Again he slept and the demon of somnambulism took charge of his actions. 但是自然的力量太大,他又睡著了,梦游症再度作祟,支配著他行动。
- the demons of jealousy 恶魔一样的嫉妒心
- He's very violent: it's the demon drink, you know. 他大撒酒疯,你要知道就是因为喝了那种酒。
- The virus of jealousy is latent in everyone. 嫉妒心隐藏在每个人心中。
- It was said that when Horus was a child, he was attacked by Seth, the demon of evil. 据说,和鲁斯孩提时代,曾受到邪恶之神赛斯的攻击。
- Behold the power... of the demon within! 见证一下魔兽,恶魔的力量!
- The Soviets had guns coming out of the demon hole. 苏联从地狱里弄来的枪堆积如山,现在却没有敌人了。)
- She studied the complexion of jealousy. 她研究嫉妒的表现。
- She was full of jealousy and agitation. 她心里充满了嫉妒和不安。
- Generally, only demons of rage, the weakest of the demon hierarchy, will become a sylvan. 总体来说,只有狂怒恶魔这种最弱的恶魔后代,才会成为野树精。
- Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy. 波利感到一阵强烈的嫉妒。
- A terrifying ancient deity or demon of the underworld. 冥府之神古代一位地狱中可怕的神或魔鬼
- Mrs. Drover. The demon lover never really shows up. 小说的名字中出现的。
- Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy? 告诉我你是嫉妒之鬼吗?
- I attributed feelings of jealousy to her. 我认为她有嫉妒心