- He was in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- These events led to the declaration of war. 这些事件导致了宣战。
- The astronomical amount of death led to the declaration of a cholera epidemic in New York. 巨大的死亡人数导致纽约宣布霍乱大流行。
- When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? 独立宣言何时通过?
- Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 独立宣言是谁写的?
- He drew up the declaration of the independence. 他起草了独立宣言。
- On the Effect of the Declaration of Death In Criminal Law 论宣告死亡结果在刑事法中的效力
- He is in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- When was announce the Declaration of Independence? 《独立宣言》是什么时候宣布的?
- Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 独立宣言是在哪里签的?
- Sign and date the declaration of your application. 你须在申请书的声明部份签署及填上日期。
- It represents the Declaration of Independence. 体现答案。
- What did the Declaration of Independence do? 独立宣言代表甚么?
- Protocol for Extending the period of validity of the Convention on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons; 展延失踪人死亡宣告公约有效期间之议定书;
- The shadow of death is on his face. 死亡的阴影笼罩在他的脸上。
- "The Declaration of Independence "was made in America in 1776. “独立宣言”于1776年在美国宣布。
- The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. 独立宣言是写在大麻纸上的。
- On the Conflicts Between the Declaration of Death and the Actual Death and their Coordination--Also on the 36th law explanation by the Supreme Court 论宣告死亡后果与实际死亡后果的冲突与协调--兼论最高人民法院司法解释第36条
- The hostages were obsessed by the fear of death. 人质被死亡的恐惧所缠扰。
- The immediate cause of death is unknown. 造成死亡的直接原因不明。