- The dead of winter was quickly approaching. 严冬将至。
- For millions of people this is the dead of winter. 对于数百万的人来说这是死亡的冬天。
- In the dead of winter they found the last survivors. 他们在隆冬时节找到了最后的那些幸存者。
- There are ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter. 严冬季节,冰天雪地。
- There is ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter. 严冬季节,冰天雪地。
- It occurred in the dead of winter when there was snow on the ground. 事情发生在大雪遍地的隆冬季节。
- In the dead of winter he and Henri de Tonty started down the Illinois. 他带着亨利·特·吞提在这一年的隆冬起程,顺着伊里诺斯河而下。
- This means that many things are cheaper in the arctic in the dead of winter because they don't have to be flown in. 这就意味着北极圈以内的地方每到冬天,物资会更加便宜,因为它们并不需要空运过来。
- If you had to live here in the dead of winter,you wouldn't think it so delightful. We were snowed up for weeks on end last year. 如果你隆冬必须住在这里,你就不会这样高兴了。去年,我们被大雪接连封了好几个星期。
- Another story tells of the bringing of an evergreen tree inside the home during winter solstice (December 21st) symbolizing the renewal of life in the dead of winter. 另一个故事讲的是,在冬至(12月21日)这一天,把一棵常青树搬回家,象征着在死寂的冬天生命的复苏。
- The syndrome prompts bats to wake from hibernation in the dead of winter, even fly from their hibernaculum, and use up crucial fat reserves. 这种综合症会促使蝙蝠在隆冬从冬眠中醒来,甚至从越冬处飞出来,耗尽至关重要的脂肪储备。
- Salesman: Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Not many buyers are shrewd enough to test drive a car with the top off in the dead of winter. 销售:好啊,好啊,你可真是够精明的,竟然在这么严寒的天气里,开没车顶的车去试车。
- They said he used to go out in the dead of night. 他们说他过去经常在三更半夜外出。
- So while sitting in your unheated apartment in the dead of winter pounding vodka might seem like a decent idea, your skin and Russian history are leading you astray. 所以,当你大冬天坐在自己冻死人的公寓里的时候,喝点伏特加看上去是的好点子,不过你那一层皮和俄国的陈年老酒一会儿正把你往沟里带呢!
- A chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II. 为第二次世界大战死者建造的神殿。
- He returned home at the dead of night. 他半夜回家
- All was at peace in the dead of the night. 深夜里万籁俱寂。
- Lu was very meticulous about his clothes and always kept his hair slick and shiny.Afraid of having his hair buried by a hat, he would not "share the same sky with a hat" and went bareheaded even in the dead of winter. 陆子潇这人刻意修饰,头发又油又光,深为帽子埋没,与之不共戴天,深冬也光着顶。
- It was in the dead of night (or late at night). 夜深了。
- the dead of winter; the dead of night. 隆冬;深夜