- the curriculum of college IT 高职信息技术课程
- Please follow the curriculum of the club in case of any changes. 如有变更,则依俱乐部课程安排。
- Regarding to Cultivate Professional Habit of College Students on the Curriculum of Theory of Chemistry Teaching 在化学教学论课程中重视学生专业习惯的养成
- Investigation and Analysis on the Current Situation of Examination of Volleyball Specialty Curriculum of College Students Majoring in P.E. 体育教育专业排球课程考核的现状调查与分析。
- She attended the summer session of college. 她上大学的暑期班。
- The curriculum of this semester is looser comparatively speaking with last one. 翻译这学期的课程比上学期要松散一些。
- It is advised to catch the active boosting function of digital-info re volution on the curriculum reform of college and watch the passive effects of it upon the reform. 我们应看到数字化信息革命对高校课程体系改革的积极促进作用,同时,也不容忽视数字化信息革命给高校课程体系改革带来的负面影响。
- Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college. 助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。
- The curriculum of palliative medicine has recently been confirmed for education in the future. 政府有关单位已大力支持并规划安宁疗护,及提供多项资源。
- Since I graduated, I miss the thrills and spills of college life. 自从我毕业以后,我一直想念时而成功、时而失败的大学生活。
- In the multicultural society, the curriculum of preschool education should embody the multicultural concepts to adapt to the social need. 多元文化社会里,学前教育课程内容必须体现多元文化观念以适应社会需要。
- Military legal knowledge has been incorporated into the military education and training of the PLA units and the curriculum of military academies and schools. 军事法制已经成为中国军队教育训练的内容和军队院校教育的课程。
- On the basis of the research work on curriculum and the perspective of the curriculum working mechanism, this thesis probes into the ingredients of college teacher's vocational selfhood and discourse upon its significance on students'academic development. 本文借助课程领域的研究成果,挖掘大学教师职业人格构成因素,从课程作用机制的视角,论述教师职业人格对于学生学业发展的意义所在。
- The curriculum of above-mentioned course will change which is based on proceeding of lessons. 教学计划的内容根据各班进度会有所不同,敬请知悉。
- To consider changes in the curriculum of evolving countries based on the core competency model. 基于六个核心能力,考虑在发展中国家的课程变化。
- What do you think the purposes of college life are? 你认为大学生活的目标何在?
- The Basic Law is also covered in the curriculum of China studies courses organised by the institute,such as one at the Tsinghua University in Beijing. 该处举办的中国研习课程,例如委讬北京清华大学筹办的课程,已经把《基本法》列入课程大纲。
- It was a stimulating first job out of college. 这是我走出学校后第一份很刺激的工作。
- The Basic Law is also covered in the curriculum of China studies courses organised by the institute, such as one at the Tsinghua University in Beijing. 该处举办的中国研习课程,例如委讬北京清华大学筹办的课程,已经把《基本法》列入课程大纲。
- This was the second time he flunked out of college. 这已是他第二次因成绩不好而退学了。