- The cultural environment was improved via optimizing the structure of microalgae community by directive breeding microalgae. 可见,通过微藻的定向培育方法来优化虾池微藻群落结构,可改善养殖环境。
- The policies on the cultural economy will be further improved,and the investments in the development of the Olympics-related cultural environment will be increased. 进一步完善文化经济政策,加大对奥运文化环境建设的投入。
- The policies on the cultural economy will be further improved, and the investments in the development of the Olympics-related cultural environment will be increased. 进一步完善文化经济政策,加大对奥运文化环境建设的投入。
- The company focused on imagination at work and good cultural environment,aimd to improve the overall quality of staffs, has formed a prominent feature of the cultural environment. 以提高员工综合素质为目标,形成特色突出的文化环境。
- The aspects of politics,economy and culture in the issue of human environment are important factors which influence the cultural environ. 人文环境中的政治、经济和文化等条件也是影响文化生态的重要因素。
- Helladic science reaches very high attainments because Greeks has the culture of reason and liberty and society cultural environment of democratic and free. 古希腊的科学之所以达到很高的造诣,是因为古希腊人具有追求理性与自由的求真的文化传统以及自由民主的社会文化环境。
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation. 小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。
- An exoterica that satisfied the certain human culture environment in the certain storied town must be an exoterica that combine the culture factor and the economic factor tight. 在商业环境设计中,只有准确掌握城市的人文特征,理解商业环境延续的内涵,才能创作出符合特定历史文化名城人文环境的作品。
- The authors pointed out that the metrological control occupied an important place in the culture environment of hospital, which is worthy of close attention. 计量管理在医院文化中具有显著地位,应该受到关注。
- Development of the Cultural Environment 文化环境建设专项规划
- Besides, people"s mentality interacts with the cultural environment which surrounds them, thus, the cymbal dance also reveals or reflects the accumulation of Buyi people"s various traditional culture. 因此,布依族打铙钹舞蹈又折射出布依族悠久的稻作农耕文化、儒释道多元文化的交融、人们的灵魂观念、祖先崇拜及男尊思想的文化底蕴。
- She has studied the cultures of Oriental countries. 她研究过东方各国的文化。
- The rise of engraving print in Xuwan town JinXi county in Qing dynasty based on the culture environment in the hometown of the elite, the convenient traffic and the advantaged position. 清代金溪浒湾刻书业的兴起,离不开才子之乡的文化生态,便利的交通和得天独厚的地理位置,从而能依托临川才子的品牌,行销全国。
- This system provides a possibility to do on-line monitoring and apply feed back control to maintain the culture environment at the desired conditions required for long-term cell or tissue culture. 此外,此系统搭配动态培养装置将可提供一个用来在细胞培养期间作长时间线上监控且使用自动更新控制保持培养环境值的可能性。
- The cultural shock came from the aftermath of love. 文化地差异在于爱情之后地表现。
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- Snapshot of the cultural capital at the Rhine. 莱茵河畔的文化之都快照。
- Unveils the cultural aspects of our campus. 介绍校园内的文物、文化单位。