- The Raja of Tippera raided at the crucial moment. 帝波罗罗?在紧急关头发动进攻。
- He wasn't there at the crucial moment(= when he was needed most). 紧要关头他却不在那里。
- You see LiBai, always harass me at the crucial moment! 你看李白这怂娃,老是在这关键时候来骚扰人!
- Don't reveal your trump card before the crucial moment. 不到紧急关头不要亮出撒手锏。
- Later,in every big competition,the ball was all lost at the crucial moment! 后来,每次大的比赛中,都是在关键时刻把球输掉了!
- Our plan would be helped forward by Smith opening a door at the crucial moment. 如果史密期在关键时刻为我们大开方便之门,我们的计划会有进展。
- The general lacked up-to-the-minute information at the crucial moment. 这位将军在关键时刻缺少最新信息。
- Wang Ping: Later, in every big competition, the ball was all lost at the crucial moment! 王平: 后来,每次大的比赛中,都是在关键时刻把球输掉了!
- At the crucial moment, he showed great foresight and turned back the powers of darkness. 力挽狂澜。
- The experiment was not helped forward by White's opening a door at the crucial moment. 由于怀特在关键时刻打开了门, 使得该实验无法进行下去。
- At the crucial moment, the fighter grasped the bull by the horns and they went down in a snarling heep. 在关键时刻,斗牛士抓住了公牛的角并与之陷入激战。
- The guerrilla decided to drop their weapons at the crucial moment of the fighting. 战斗已到了最后关头,游击队决定放下武器。
- The crucial moment, Bureau Chief He leads the police force to rush, apprehends both the thief and the stolen goods Hun Sen. 言谈间,何局长承认所以带警来,是因为老许说他有外遇一事其实十分准确,而他的情人正是警队的女警察...
- With the main body of the Chinese students studying in Japan, the youth clerisy played a vital role at the crucial moment o f history. 而以留日学生为主体的青年知识分子群体,在这历史的重要时刻,发挥了生力军的作用。
- Hamilton, who was second on the grid, pointed to the start of the race as the crucial moment as Raikkonen sprinted past him off the line. “总的来说车队的结果还是令人高兴的;我们拿到了不错的积分;我也尽力地争取到冠军积分;这是最重要的;当然很显然我们必须继续努力;法拉利很快;但我认为下一场我们就会作出反击.
- Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at first sight, but at the crucial moment has brought a twist. 大女儿姬安,温柔善良,美丽可人,与富家子弟宾利一见倾心,却在关键时刻发生了波折。
- No. 3 Bureau, De Yafu Thessaloniki at the crucial moment her double faults occur, and Peng Shuai to seize the opportunity to complete the break and 2-1 lead. 第3局,库德亚夫特塞娃在关键时刻出现双发失误,彭帅抓住机会完成破发并以2-1领先。
- The crucial moment came when Materazzi had his penalty saved by Alex Manninger, but Julio Cruz was furious with the defender and had to be held off by Douglas Maicon. 比赛的关键时刻是马特拉齐罚丢点球。克鲁斯对此暴怒,是麦孔把他拉开的。
- Therefore we can have a glimpse of Nelly's incredibility as a simple servant and her conscious involvement in the crucial moments of the plots. 这样,耐莉作为简单人物的不可靠性以及她在故事发展关键时刻的有意识的参与就可见一斑。
- The lineup of point guard from Houston to play the last few years the crucial moment, the real Rockets guard Tracy McGrady is, rather than Alstom, the key moment, he is more of a pitcher-third use. 这套阵容的组织后卫由麦格雷迪来打,最近几年的关键时刻,火箭队真正的控卫是麦格雷迪,而不是阿尔斯通,关键时刻,他更多最为一个三分投手使用。