- He was asked to take a leadihg position in the county government. 他仍要求他在县政府担任一个领导职务。
- He was asked to take a leading position in the county government. 上面要求他在县政府担任一个领导职务。
- Yuquan in the town where the township is the county government. 玉泉镇是县政府所在乡镇。
- Rural House in Maying Zhuang, 27 kilometers from the county government. 乡府驻马营庄,距县府27公里。
- According to the contract, the county government has SACP to building a three-tier 30% equity. 按照合同,丰顺县政府拥有大厦一层到三层的30%25产权。
- The county government subsidized traditional wood construction, though most villagers would rather have used brick. 当地政府补贴了这种传统的木楼,但是大多数村民情愿建砖房。
- The author points out that, agricultural administrations are the basic functions of the county government. 指出农政是中国县政的基本功能,而公共服务则是县政的重心所在。
- The county government plans to build a modern combined junior-senior elementary school in our village. 县里准备在我们村新建一所现代化完小。
- Accompanying them were Mr. Hao, a Deputy Magistrate of Wuchuan County Government and related leaders of the County Agricultural Bureau. 武川县政府郝副县长和农业局的有关领导陪同代表们到示范点参观。
- At present, "the North Sea tunnel" is not open general tourism, is still military control zone mustA liaison for the county government building. 目前“北海坑道”并不开放一般观光,仍属军方管制区,须先透过县政府建设局申请联络。
- The Evaluation of Market and Economic Benefits: After studying the project, the County Government has decided to adopt the marketization wielding mode. 三、市场与经济效益分析:经县政府研究,本项目决定采取市场化运作模式。
- Tang Tai six years (AD 832 years) the new home county, the county government in this new town Gaobeidian City is Zhuozhou Hebei Road. 唐太和六年(公元832年)置新城县,县治在今高碑店市新城镇,属河北道涿州。
- He is the best bow in the county. 他是乡下最好的射手。
- The building is provided by the county government SACP Meizhou city land, Sui Fong companies and the construction of a joint real estate development companies. 该大厦是由梅州市丰顺县政府提供土地、穗芳公司和一房地产开发公司共同投资兴建的。
- Our company focus in the local tour of Yilan Taiwan. Combine the county government of Yilan and relevant tours industry. We have group tour, convention tour, fit package tour. 本公司以专注台湾宜兰当地旅游为主要业务,结合宜兰县政府及相关观光产业,有自由行、团体旅游、会议旅游。
- He has a large property in the county. 他在这个县有一大片地产。
- The county government has released a new policy for land examination and approval, which is undoubtedly for the purpose of attracting outside investment and talent. 县政府出台了新的土地审批的政策,这无疑是筑巢引凤之举。
- The county boomed when gold was discovered there. 那个县在发现了黄金後便繁荣起来。
- Available Conditions: Any dissension occurred during the construction of the project will be coordinated and solved by the County Committee of CPC and the County Government. 4、项目配套条件:由县委、县政府出面协调解决各单位在施工中的纠纷。
- "A group of unidentified people incited the crowd to attack the police bureau, the county government and the county (Communist Party) committee building," Xinhua news agency said. 公安局又出动武力镇压,至使学生和一些人民群众焚烧了公安局并掀翻和焚烧公安警车十多辆,现在事态越闹越大。