- In addition to the copyright law, there is also patent law. 除了版权法,知识产权法体系中还包括专利法。
- The State Copyright Administration and local copyright administrative organs have been established in accordance with the Copyright Law. 根据著作权法的规定,设立了国家版权局和地方著作权行政管理机关。
- These regulations, a necessary adjunct to the Copyright Law, came into effect in October 1991. 这些规定作为著作权法的配套法规,于1991年10月施行。
- These regulations,a necessary adjunct to the Copyright Law,came into effect in October 1991. 这些规定作为著作权法的配套法规,于1991年10月施行。
- Customer may make archival copies of the Software as provided in the Copyright Law of country B. 用户可以按照B国版权法的规定制作软件存档复制件。
- Customer may make archival copies of the Software as provided in the Copyright Law of country B. 用户可以按照B国版权法的规定制作软件存档复制件。
- So in the network age,it is significant for the copyright law to apply the doctrine more truly. 因此在网络时代,更为准确地适用该原则对于著作权法而言意义重大。
- If you desire a license governed by the Copyright Law of a specific jurisdiction, please select the appropriate jurisdiction. 如果您想要受到某个特定司法管辖领域著作权法所约束的授权条款,请选择此一适当的司法管辖领域。
- The born of the first copyright law in the world -?Queen Anna Act in 1709 drew the prologue of the copyright's legislation . 1709年安娜女王法令的诞生,拉开了版权法的立法序幕。
- Warning: This computer program is a freeware, but it is also being protected by the copyright law and international treaty. 警告:本计算机程序为免费自由软件,但仍受版权法和国际条约的保护。
- Hence, the copyright law endows the right-holders with the right of technological measures in order to safeguard their rights and interests. 鉴于此,版权法赋予版权人技术措施权,以强化对其利益的保护。
- He decided to resign his claim to the copyright. 他决定放弃对版权的要求。
- IFLA and EIFL pointed out that it could be found in the copyright law of numerous countries, including in Cambodia in 2003, Swaziland in 2004, and Ghana in 2005. IFLA和EIFL指出,这种建议见于许多国家的版权法中,例如:2003年的柬埔寨、2004年的斯威士兰以及2005年的加纳。
- Although the web page works isnt uncertain in the copyright law, it should be compositive works including the content, the interface and the abutting program. 虽然网页作品在著作权法上的地位还没有明确的定性。但是通过细化分析,网页作品是整合了网页内容、网页界面和网页驱动程序的综合性作品。
- Network technology not only bring us rich and colorful information and unthought-of convenient, but also change the traditional way the copyright law act in. 数字技术给我们带来了丰富多彩的资讯和前所未有的便捷,同时也彻底改变版权法传统的作用方式。
- As the scope of the object of the copyright the crime infringes doesn't extend, there exists vast defect in the crime, which often contradicts the copyright law. 侵犯著作权罪的犯罪对象由于外延上的不周延,存在著重大缺陷,与著作权法产生冲突。
- The Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and the rules for its implementation explicitly protect the copyright and other legitimate rights and interests of the authors of literary,artistic and scientific works. 《中华人民共和国著作权法》及其实施条例,明确了保护文学、艺术和科学作品作者的著作权以及与其相关的权益。
- All rights reserved.Reprinted by permission and protected by the copyright laws of the United States. 本司保留所有的权利,再版或转载要求有许可并受美国版权法的保护。
- The reproduction of copyright material without the permission of the copyright holder is banned by law. 没有版权所有人的允许复制受版权保护的资料是法律所不允许的。
- The Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China was adopted by the 15th meeting of the Seventh National People's Congress Standing Committee on September 7,1990,effective June 1,1991. 1990年9月7日,第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议通过了《中华人民共和国著作权法》,该法于1991年6月1日起施行。