- the conflict of personal laws 人际法律冲突
- In Ronald Dworkin’s opinion, the contravention of the whole society is the conflict of personal right and state right. 德沃金认为,整个社会的矛盾可以归结为个人权利和国家权利之间的对抗。
- Techniques of Choice of Law in Conflict of Personal Laws 人际法律冲突中的法律选择方法
- The conflict of interest between China and USA is inevitable. 利益冲突在中国和美国之间是不可避免的。
- How to solve well the conflict of coal industry cont... 针对以上问题,提出了相应的对策。
- Dicey &Morris: The Conflict of Laws, vol.1. 12th edn. p506-511. 徐卉:中国社会科学院法学研究所副研究员,法学博士。
- How do you handle the conflict of opinion with your boss? 你怎么处理和上司的意见冲突?
- G.Melrose Bigelows. Joseph Story Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws [M],1883. 肖永平.;冲突法专论[M]
- The conflict of local regulation and state law is a major taboo of legislation. 地方法规与国家法律相抵触是立法的大忌。
- He's the sort of person I really dislike. 他这种人我真不喜欢。
- The unification process, one of the major defi of comparatists, directly threatens the conflict of laws methodology. 这就表现出国际私法在渊源上具有两重性。
- Chapter 5 deliberates the application of law of electronic commerce and the innovations in the conflict of laws that are about to take place. 第五章则就电子商务的法律适用以及冲突法即将发生的变化作以讨论。
- The law is no respecter of person. 法律面前人人平等。
- It is, therefore, that the legitimate basis of the conflict of obligations in criminal law contains pluralistic integration. 因此,刑法中义务冲突的正当根据具有多元综合性。
- He's the sort of person who would pull the wings off a fly just for kicks. 他就是那种人,会把的苍蝇的翅膀拉下来逗人玩。
- The conflict between them is over. 他们之间的冲突结束了。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- Micheal J.Whincop & Mary Keyes.Policy and Pragmatism in the Conflict of Law [M]. England:Dartmouth Publishing Company, 2001(9). 张文显.;二十世纪西方哲学思潮研究。法律出版社,2006(182-183)
- Dicey and Morris on the Conflict of laws.1980.London10th Ed.1127、257,256,749. 中国国际私法学会.;中华人民共和国国际私法示范法[M]