- She works in the confederation of British industry. 她在英国工业联合会工作。
- Other organizations have joined the confederation for mutual benefit. 其他组织为了共同的利益也加入了这个联盟。
- The Confederation of Chinese Associations, Sarawak. 砂罗越华人社团联合总会。
- Which four provinces first formed the Confederation? 哪四个省率先组成邦联的?
- The confederates, undefeated, pushed onward. 未被击败的同盟军继续向前推进。
- They styled their nation 'The Confederate States'. 他们把他们的国家称呼为联邦共和国。
- Still the Confederations Cup is important also. 尽管如此联合会杯也很重要。
- The confederates,undefeated,pushed onward. 未被击败的同盟军继续向前推进。
- Which four provinces first formed the Confederation Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 哪四个省一起加入了加拿大联邦安大略省,魁北克省,纽宾士城省,鲁华士高沙省。
- The Confederation Bridge is one of the most challenging engineering projects ever built. 同盟桥是建造的最挑战的工程设计之一。
- He put the sandal into Hayatou's ribs with the cry that ‘The Confederation of African Football has not helped us out. 他对哈亚图指指点点:“非洲足联没有带给我们什么,倒是国际足联给我们提供了很多帮助,特别是那些小国。”
- However, ten years later, you are able to save the Confederation flagship, the Concordia, from a Kilrathi attack. 然而,十年之后,你抓住机会从基拉西人的攻击之下救出了一艘联邦旗舰“肯克迪亚”号。
- The Confederation Command decided not to wait for GAA assuming to offensive and strike first. 盟军司令决定不等待对方的进攻,而抢先出击。为我们的胜利欢呼!!
- This story of the Son of Heaven and the confederation of Chinese kingdoms begins at around 2000 BCE. 大约公元前2000年,中国形成了统一的邦联,出现了“天子”。
- List each province and territory and tell when each one joined the Confederation. 将加拿大的省及地区一一列举出来,并标明它们分别是何时加入邦联的?
- Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history The British North America Act made the Confederation legal. 为何英属北美洲法案对加拿大历史意义重大英属北美洲法案使加拿大的联邦合法化。
- A member of the Confederate Army in the Civil War. 邦联士兵美国内战中南方联盟军队的士兵
- In 1991, a change in structure of the Confederation resulted in five WCPT Regions with autonomous regional committees being established. 1991年,WCPT在结构上又做了新的调整,分为5个独立的地区专业委员会。
- Bidisha Ganguly, a consultant at the Confederation of Indian Industry, says these shortages have intensified amid the recent economic boom. 比迪沙.;刚古利是印度工业联盟的顾问。他说,印度经济的高速发展使基础设施落后的问题暴露无遗。
- The Confederation Bridge between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick addresses similar concerns on a much smaller scale. 位于爱德华王子岛和新布朗斯威克之间的联邦大桥就面临着类似的问题,只不过它受影响的范围要小得多。