- At one time, women used to have a classic little black dress in their wardrobe. 这类传统、不会过时的衣服,可统称为。
- the classic little black dress 传统式样简单的黑色小连衣裙
- The designer romanticized the little black dress. 设计者使这个黑衣服浪漫化了。
- She wore a sleek little black dress. 她穿了一条有光泽的黑色连衣裙。
- Those in the fashion know that every woman simply must have a @little black dress@ in her repertoire. 熟悉时装的人都知道,每个女人的衣橱里绝对得备有一件“黑色小礼服”。
- One quote of the Duchess: “When a little black dress is right, there is nothing else to wear in its place. 瓦利斯沃菲尔德辛普森,温莎公爵夫人,被称为向自己的几个黑色小礼服,并说很多在赞扬的成衣。
- Those in the fashion know that every woman simply must have“a little black dress”in her wardrobe.The fashion essential has proved itself timeless. 喜欢流行时装的人都知道,在每个女人的衣橱里,一定能找到一件“黑色小礼服”。这款必备的时装经受住了时间的考验,经久不衰。
- Her little black dresses were simple, but they sizzled with her 60’s bling. 黑色连衣裙是简单,搭配60年代闪亮珠宝却使其非常耀眼。
- The black dress chimes in with the colour of her eyes. 这件黑衣服和她的眼睛的颜色很协调。
- Racily turned out young women subbed little black dresses for the customary lawn-party whites. 热辣打扮的年轻女子们为合乎习俗的草坪招待会白带替换小黑裙.
- Because the separation for GISE is an almost singular regression problem, the classic least square method and principal component method are not satisfactorily for solving the problem. 由于工具误差分离存在着很强的复共线性,传统的最小二乘方法与主成分方法不能很好的解决这一问题。
- Thrash, who had intended high black tie to convey that women should wear high-glamour gowns, rather than little black dresses with a strand of pearls. 她曾经想用“高尚的正式礼服”传递一个意图:女士应穿着高雅的晚礼服,而不是黑色连衣裙配珍珠项链。
- Wallis Warfield Simpson, Duchess of Windsor, was known to own several little black dresses and said much in praise of the garments. 瓦利斯沃菲尔德辛普森,温莎公爵夫人,被称为向自己的几个黑色小礼服,并说很多在赞扬的成衣。
- Hetty always wore the same black dress. 荷蒂总是穿着了相同的黑色洋装。
- The Whites like the classic music. 怀特一家喜欢古典音乐。
- The novel is regarded as one of the classic works. 这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
- Rockface for the classic rustic look. 岩面纹理富于乡村气息;
- Carrie: You were the classic frenemies. 你们是典型的亦敌亦友。
- The trouble is, once everything has been reduced to an absolute minimum - architecture by Mies van der Rohe, the littlest of little black dresses - where else is there to go? 麻烦的是,一旦一切已减少到绝对最低-建筑由密斯凡德罗,最小的黑色小礼服-还有什么地方是有去?
- This disk contains all the classic songs. 这张唱碟收录的都是经典老歌。