- the chemical fertilize factory 化肥厂
- The chemical fertilizer quality that this factory is produced is good. 这个工厂生产的化肥质量好。
- His firm has just completed building a large chemical fertilizer factory. 他的公司刚刚在中国建成了一个大型化肥工厂。
- The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in. 化学肥料应该均匀地混入土壤中。
- Is is suitable for conveying materials with chemical corrosiveness in chemical factory,chemical fertilizer factory,paper mill,mining industry and etc. 适用于化工厂、化肥厂、造纸厂等厂矿企业输送含有酸性或碱性等腐蚀性的物料。
- Corrosion and scale phenomena are serious in the recirculating cooling water system of Lunan Chemical Fertilizer Factory of Yanzhou Mine Group. 针对制氧过程循环冷却水系统中低温易结垢的现象,通过采用新型高效复配药剂进行了一系列试验。
- It is suitable for conveying materials with chemical corrosiveness in chemical factory, chemical fertilizer factory, paper mill, mining industry and ets. 适用于化工厂化肥厂造纸厂等厂企业输送含有酸性或碱性的物料。
- We got these bags of fertilizer off the chemical fertilizer plant. 我们得到的这几袋是化肥厂出厂的化肥。
- The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare. 化工厂发生爆炸引起了害怕污染的巨大恐慌。
- Presented the process flow and BFW system of ammonia plant in Jilin Chemical Fertilizer Factory,analyzed the problem of the BFW system,proposed revamp plan and technical requirement. 介绍了中国石油吉林石化公司化肥厂合成氨装置的生产工艺和锅炉给水系统流程,分析了锅炉给水系统存在的问题,提出了改造方案和技术要求;
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- Presented the process flow and BFW system of ammonia plant in him Chemical Fertilizer Factory, analyzed the problem of the BFW system, proposed revamp plan and technical requirement. 摘要介绍了中国石油吉林石化公司化肥厂合成氨装置的生产工艺和锅炉给水系统流程,分析了锅炉给水系统存在的问题,提出了改造方案和技术要求;
- The explosion at the chemical factory cause a major pollution scare. 化工厂发生爆炸引起了害怕污染的巨大恐慌。
- The chemical can behave as an acid. 这种化学制品能起酸的作用。
- The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 这些化学公司排出废水污染著我们的河流。
- The chemical must then be salted out and allowed to dry. 之后,这化学药品必须加盐分离,晾干。
- A description is given of the use of the WSA process in the chemical fertilizer plants and its prospects for development. 介绍了WSA工艺在化肥企业的应用情况及其发展前景。
- Current, breed of the chemical fertilizer on the market is more, fertilizer of deterioration of a few bogus is different also level land interfuse among them, entrap farmer. 目前,市场上化肥品种较多,一些伪劣化肥也不同程度地混入其中,坑害农民。
- Current, breed of the chemical fertilizer on the market is more, a few false deterioration are fat also interfuse among them, hole farming is killed civilian. 据有关部门调查表明,现在农民急需以下“四器”: 一、化肥成分测定器。目前,市场上化肥品种较多,一些假劣化肥也混入其中,坑农害民。
- The iron in the chemical compound must be purged. 化学混合物中的铁必须清除。