- I don't know the cause and effect. 我不知道此事的前因后果。
- Study the cause and effect of the matter. 研究该问题的因果关系。
- We should analyze the cause and effect of this event. 我们应该分析这场事变的因果。
- They want to find out the cause and effect of the incident. 他们要弄清事情的来龙去脉。
- We need to tackle both the cause and effect of this problem. 我们对这个问题得标本兼治。
- The cause and effect relationship in nature is often subtle and complicated. 大自然的因果关系常常是奥妙而复杂的。
- the cause and effect method 因果法
- Look at the causes and effects above. 总计上面污染的原因和影响。
- Rule 1. Causal statements must clearly show the cause and effect relationship. 规则1:因果关系的陈述必须清楚的显示出因和果的关系。
- The two policemen have already known how many beans make five about the cause and effect of the incident. 这两名警察十分精明,已经弄清了事情的来龙去脉。
- It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case. 这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。
- Because one not believing in the cause and effect cannot be counted as a practicer. 如果我们不从困惑中解脱出来,那么我们这一世的修行,就很难得到善始善终的结果。
- Objective To explore the cause and effect relationship between gallbladder stone and right hepatic lobe atrophy. 目的探讨胆囊结石与右肝萎缩的因果关系。
- The team should brainstorm the most significant issues outlined in the final flow diagram and use these for the cause and effect diagram. 调查组应该对整体流程图的主要议题进行脑力激荡,并应用在其因果关系图鱼骨图。
- According to the cause and effect chain of balanced scorecards,the paper discusses weight factors in four aspects of BSC for different suppliers. 在平衡记分卡因果关系链的基础上,分析了供应链中不同类型的供应商的评估对平衡记分卡的4个方面的不同权重。
- The principle of or relationship between cause and effect. 因果关系原因与结果之间的原则或关系
- For this reason , this study focus on the cause and effect of “Hyper-archy competition”, and to generalize some suggestions to the future. 因此,本研究主要针对超层级现象产生之前因后果做一探讨,并对此做出一些未来走向之建议。
- Though the researches on the art of changes were helpful to the exploration of the cause and effect of TCM, yet, its practical sig... 今人研究医易,有利于探究中医学理论的来龙去脉,但应恰如其分地评估其现实意义。
- The biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution. 动物地理学对动物的地域划分进行的生物学研究,特别是这种划分的原因和影响
- How you monitor and predict earthquakes, how you've made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer. 他们向中国学习如何监测和预报地震,学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治疗方面是如何取得这么多成就的。