- The ravenous lions tore at the carcass. 这些饥饿的狮子撕碎了那动物的尸体。
- Research on the Carcass Quality of Mallard Duck 绿头野鸭屠体品质研究
- Effect to the Carcass Quality of Broilers Reared in Coops and on Floor 笼养和地面平养对肉鸡胴体品质的影响
- We came across the carcass of a lion. 我们遇到了一具狮子的尸体。
- Exquisite and strong carcass quality, glaze complexion. 胎体细腻而坚质,釉面白净。
- We saw the carcass of an abandoned automobile by the roadside. 我们看到路边有一辆被丢弃的汽车残骸。
- the carcass quality 胴体性状
- The carcass of a burned-out building. 烧毁建筑物的基本构架
- The buzzard had picked the carcass clean. 的肉啄乾净。
- We see the carcass of an abandoned automobile by the roadside. 我们看到路边有一辆被丢弃的汽车残骸。
- They found that these bone tools cut the carcass effectively. 他们发现这些骨质工具切割兽肉是挺好用的。
- Strong carcass quality and exquisite craft, upper and lower joash was sauce glaze, glaze even. 胎体坚质而细腻,上半部施白釉,下半部施酱釉,釉面匀净。
- Overmuch fat deposition in animals is regarded as one of the main prob lems to animal carcass quality and human health. 动物脂肪的过度沉积是影响胴体品质和人类健康的重要问题之一。
- He indulges himself with a victory leap over the carcass. 他纵容自己在尸体上胜利地一跳。
- The paper reviewed the effects of music and stock density on the growth performance and carcass quality for crossbreed broilers. 该文就音乐及饲养密度对笼养肉杂鸡的生产性能及屠宰性能进行了初步探讨。
- Vultures had been at the carcass and had the skeleton clean as a whistle. 几只兀鹰停在这只死去的野兽身上,把肉吃得光光的飞走了,只剩下这副干净的骸骨。
- Freudenreich.P:Schlachtkorperwert und Fleischqualitat von Schafen and Ziegen (carcass quality and meat quality of sheep and goats)[J]1994. 严有兵;脂肪酸的生理作用及其对其他营养成分的影响[J].;肉类工业2001
- The meat will keep better if the carcass is bled immediately and thoroughly. 牲畜(被宰后)如能立即将血放尽,便更利于肉的保存。
- Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer. 秃鹰在天空盘旋等着啄食鹿的尸体。
- The older bear devours his meal, licking the carcass clean of blubber. 成年熊消灭了他的美餐,把尸体上的脂肪添的干干净净。