- According to Nicholas Lardy of the Brookings Institution, a Washington D. 华盛顿一家智囊机构布鲁金斯学会的尼占拉斯?
- Shep Melnick,Regulation and the Courts, (the Brookings Institution ed. 88Stewart; Reforming of American Administrative Law; 转引自R.
- A study by the Brookings Institution in June came up with very similar results. 布鲁金斯6月的研究给出了相似的结果。
- Demographer William Frey of the Brookings Institution says immigrants are moving to cities like New York, Miami, Houston, Dallas and Los Angeles. 布鲁金斯研究所的人口学家佛瑞指出,移民正在迁入纽约、迈阿密、休斯顿、达拉斯和洛杉矶这样的大城市。
- As an intern, he also worked for U.S.Congressman Frank McCloskey and the Brookings Institution. 豪教授也曾为美国议员弗兰克麦克斯基工作和在布鲁金斯协会实习。
- Gregg Easterbrook of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, says that politicians also need a new tack. 作为布鲁金斯研究院智囊团之一的格雷格易斯特布鲁克表示,政治家们还需要一个新的方针。
- David Sandalow, an energy and environment scholar at the Brookings Institution, says the evidence is clear. 是布鲁克林研究院能源与环境的学者,他说证据是很明显的。
- William Galston of the Brookings Institution has recently completed a research project for the Hewlett Foundation. 最近,布鲁金斯研究所的威廉.;贾斯顿完成了为Hewlett基金会做的一个研究项目。
- The Brookings Institution blames much of the bound-prolonged short flights between major cities. 布鲁金斯学会对主要城市之间的短程航班受阻延误提出指责。
- Jonathan Rauch of the Brookings Institution argues that the campaign for same-sex marriage was spurred in part by AIDS. ”布鲁金斯学会(the Brookings Institution)的Jonathan Rauch称,支持同性婚姻的运动在部分上因艾滋病而得以促进。
- The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. 布鲁金斯学会总部在美国首都华盛顿,是一家研究公共政策的非赢利组织。
- But Dennis Wilder of the Brookings Institution in Washington says the United States had no choice. 但是华盛顿布鲁克斯研究所的丹尼斯.;威尔德则称,美国别无选择。
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
- Don't expect too much, said Douglas Elmendorf, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. 布鲁金斯研究所(BrookingsInstitution)资深人士艾尔门多夫(DouglasElmendorf)表示,别抱太高的期望。
- "These people have been studying," said Stephen Hess, a senior fellow and political analyst at the Brookings Institution. 美国布鲁斯金研究所的资深研究员、政治分析员斯蒂芬.;赫斯说:“这些选民一直在研究。
- AS A successful American journalist, diplomat and now president of the Brookings Institution in Washington, Strobe Talbott has been all over the place. 作为一名成功的美国记者,外交官,现又担任布鲁金斯研究院的院长,斯特罗布"塔尔博特(StrobeTalbott)已是远近闻名了。
- But unemployment could stay high even as output recovers, reckons Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank. 智囊团成员伊莎贝尔.;索希尔则估计失业率仍将高居不下,尽管产出正在恢复。
- But Steven Hess of the Brookings Institution says a Democratic Congress will not necessarily be in lock step with a Democratic president. 他说:“民主党人在野已经有一段时间了。他们自1990年代初克林顿担任总统以来就一直没有同时掌控总统职位和国会。民主党人十分希望有真正的成就。”
- The brook murmurs over the pebbles. 河水潺潺在石子上流过。
- Ken Lieberthal, an East Asia advisor to former President Bill Clinton, is now with the Brookings Institution in Washington. 李侃茹,是美国前总统设在东亚的顾问,现在在华盛顿布鲁金斯学会。