- The broken vase lay in shatters. 那只打碎了的花瓶的碎片撒了一地。
- She'll do her nut when she sees the broken window. 她要是看见窗户破了准得气炸了。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。
- Don't cut your finger on the broken glass. 别让碎玻璃割伤你的手。
- The broken bones have knit (together) well. 断骨已愈合良好。
- Let's sing a song during the break. 我们趁这空当儿唱支歌。
- It will take at least one month for the broken hone to hear up. 骨折至少要一个月的时间才能愈合。
- The police towed the broken car away. 警察将破车拖走了。
- He got the broken bowl cemented. 他把破碗胶合起来了。
- You can put in a claim for the broken furniture. 你可以就损坏的家俱提出赔偿要求。
- He soldered the broken wires together. 他将断了的电线焊接起来。
- Oil gashed out from the broken pipe. 油从断裂的管道中喷出来。
- Let me clear up the broken glass before someone walks on it. 在有人踩上碎玻璃之前让我把它清扫一下。
- Finally she made the break with her family. 她最终与家庭脱离了关系。
- He can splice together the broken ends of ropes quickly. 他能把断了的绳子头快速接起来。
- The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge. 养路工们被召集去抢修损坏的桥。
- An application of sinking Pile of dilling to lead the hole in solving the broken pile of the tube pile 钻导孔沉桩在解决管桩断桩中的应用
- The broke the door in with axes. 他们用斧子劈开了门。
- A fountain of water gushed from the broken fire hydrant. 从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来。
- Let's sweep away the broken glass. 让我们把这些碎玻璃扫走。