- He liked the bitter taste of the ale. 他喜欢麦芽酒的苦味。
- Celestial Mountains 天山
- the bitter taste of life 人生的辛酸
- My kids don't like the bitter taste of Chinese herbal medicine. 我的孩子们不喜欢中国草药的苦味。
- He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink. 他喜欢苦味的淡色啤酒;啤酒是他钟爱的饮料。
- And every time he kisses you it leaves behind the bitter taste of saccharine. 每次他亲吻你以后嘴角留下的只是一股苦涩的坏糖精味。
- Myrrh is named for its bitter taste which, along with its funerary uses, has caused it to be associated with the bitter things of life. 没药是由于它的苦味来命名,连同着它的葬礼用途,从而引致了把没药与生命中的痛苦之事连接在一起。
- And every time he ksses you it leaves behind the bitter taste of saccharine. 每次他亲吻你以后嘴角留下的只是一股苦涩的坏糖精味。
- There is in me the bitter taste of death, and nothingness is burning within me like a strong poison. 我所有的是痛苦的死亡滋味,以及犹如剧毒的虚无在我的体内烧灼。
- If you don't try because you fear the bitter taste of failure; you will never have a chance for the sweet taste of success. 人生格言:如果你由于害怕亲尝来自失败的苦楚而不努力,你就永远没有机会品尝成功的甘甜。
- Fraternal crazy to try the taste of life. 想要一尝疯狂联谊生活的滋味。
- RESULTS:The Yinhuang perlingual tablets thus prepared do not have the bitter taste of original tablets and make it easy to administration and higher local concentration can be maintained in the mouth. 结果:含化片在制剂工艺中改变了原银黄片的特殊苦味,在口中含化无明显的苦感且缓慢溶解,在口腔局部保持较高的药物浓度,以达到治疗作用。
- He had a firsthand taste of life in backward mountainous areas. 他直接体验过落後山区的生活。
- On a video posted on the Internet, Libi said, "Deliver to them the bitter taste of war, tragedies of displacement, and the bitterness of terror. 利比在网上发布的视频中说,"让他们也尝尝战争的苦涩、无家可归和担惊受怕的悲惨滋味。"
- The bitter waters of life surged high about him. 生活的苦涩波涛在他周围汹涌澎湃。
- I could sense it was a taste of life. 我感到这的确是生活的原味。
- the bitter taste of disappointed love 失恋的痛苦
- He grimaced at the bitter taste. 他一尝那苦味,做了个怪相。
- After time the bitter taste of innocence decent or race 在体味过纯洁公正还有人性痛苦的时刻后
- This was my first taste of live theatre. 这是我初次在现场看戏。