- The Basis of Rule by Law: the Autonomy of Private Law 法治的根本:私法自治
- the autonomy of private law; autonomy of will; inviolability of private droit; equality of private droit; civil criterion; civil law; civil code; 私法自治是私法的最高原则和本质要求。本文对其涵义、历史发展及功能进行了论述,说明这一原则对我国民法典制定的价值。
- the autonomy of private law 私权自治
- Civil Liabilities And Autonomy Of Private Law--On Relationship Between Civil Rights, Obligations And Responsibilities 民事责任与私法自治--兼论民事权利、义务与责任的关系
- autonomy of private law [法] 私法自主
- The essence of civil law idea is justice,and its core incarnate inviolability of private right,equality of personality and autonomy of will. 民法理念的内涵丰富,其本质是正义,其核心表现为私权神圣、人格平等和私法自治。
- The constitution and the autonomy of minority nationalities law have the common quality to the nationality area. 摘要宪法和民族区域自治法对民族地区来说,具有共同性。
- These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens. 这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。
- autonomy of private laws 私法自治
- For someone who acts from an understanding of the moral law thereby wills a state of affairs in which the autonomy of all rational beings is respected and fulfilled. 因为一些人的行为是出于对道德规范的知性认识,而且他们理性地是有意识地自律,一些人是值得尊敬和可以实现自我的。
- The autonomy of the will of arbitration is not absolute.The contract of arbitration must be limited by the national law and many other items which can be arbitrated. 仲裁意思自治并非绝对性,仲裁契约仍须受各国国内法以及诸多可仲裁事项等之限制。
- Tibetan regions are part and parcel of the autonomy of national regionality. 藏族地区是我国民族区域自治地方的重要组成部分。
- Basic Connotation of Private Law Autonomy 私法自治的基本内涵
- They are the cornerstone in safeguarding the autonomy of the national sports associations and assuring the quality of the delivery of sport and recreation in Hong Kong. 他们义务参与会务,致力维护体育总会的自主权,并为本港不断提供质素优良的体育与康乐活动。
- Reiner Schulze, European Private Law and Existing EC Law, European Review of Private Law, 2005/ 1, pp. 3-19. 这里的现行法包括所有欧共体的法律,具体来说有:欧共体/欧盟的所有条约、全部指令以及欧洲法院和欧洲初审法院所有的案例法。
- This field is to be corner-stoned on nonidentity, with the autonomy of literary criticism as its common belief. 一个理想的文学批评场域应该基于非同一性基础上,以文学批评自主性作为共同遵守的信念。
- This of course depends on the autonomy of people living in a setting and their history. 这当然要依赖于居住在这一环境中的人们的自治,也依赖于他们的历史。
- It focuses on the fundamentality of the academic corporation in the autonomy of the American colleges and universities. 它是本文研究美国大学自治制度历史变迁的主要线索。
- As the tiptop principle of private law field, can the sincerity principle be used in administrative law and established as a basic principle of administrative nomocracy? 诚信原则作为私法领域的最高原则,是否可适用于行政法并作为行政法治之基本原则得以确立呢?
- The autonomy of higher educational institutions will be broadened, and the modes of their governance will be reformed. 扩大高等教育办学自主权,推进高等学校治理模式改革。