- He was conscious of the artistic value of his plays. 他知道他剧作的艺术价值。
- He is conscious of the artistic value of his play. 他知道他剧作的艺术价值。
- The artistic value of Peking Opera facial makeup. 中国京剧脸谱的艺术价值。
- The narrative techniques strengthen the artistic value of this novel. 小说的叙事技巧增强了小说的艺术价值。
- Accordingly, the paper aims to explore the artistic values of the book from the angle of its contributions to the Classical fictions with an detailed analysis of its causes and significance. 因此论文拟从《老残游记》对古代小说艺术整合与革新的角度来探讨它的艺术价值,并探讨这种整合与革新的原因及其意义。
- We are disciples of the artistic leader. 我们是那位艺术领袖的追随者。
- I don't think she's the artistic type. 我认为她不属艺术家那类的人。
- The artist brought his paints with him. 那画家自带颜料。
- The paper discusses the artistic value of Dunhuang frescoes, which enlighten modern drawing and creation. 揭示敦煌壁画的艺术价值,对现代绘画创作具有重要的启示。
- The artist's smock was covered in paint. 那艺术家的罩衣上沾满了颜料。
- The unbounding of the wrings of artistry and ideology can elevate the artistic value of the officialdom novels . 官场小说在面对生活的同时,只有不断超越现实,放飞思想和艺术的翅膀,才能切实提升自己的艺术价值。
- This painting exemplifies the artist's early style. 这幅画是该画家早期艺术风格的典型。
- Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? 那艺术家在她的作品中究竟想表达什麽?
- The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly. 该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。
- The artist has caught her smile perfectly. 艺术家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容。
- This piano piece pushed the artistic value of Brahms two pianos works to its peak in the musical history and launched their golden age. 这也让布拉姆斯双钢琴作品的艺术价值达到音乐史上的最高峰,并开创属于自己的黄金年代。
- She was ardent in her admiration of the artist. 她非常倾慕那位艺术家。
- I don’t think I have to say too much about the artistic value of Lau’s photography, and the critiques about Arbus can be adopted here mutatis mutandis. 所以对刘先生的艺术价值,我觉得不必多说,对阿勃丝的一些评价可以移植到这里。
- The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings. 艺术家给我们展示了她的绘画代表作品。
- A diachronic study of the artistic value embodied by sorcery, sex and beauty will be helpful to the understanding of the origin and development of the nude. 研究巫、性、美在历时性结构中的丰富形态,是把握人体形象的起源及其演变的一把钥匙。