- Nanako became the around the clock care giver for her brother.She has no friends, no social life and no time for herself. 双亲为了筹措儿子的治疗费拼命工作,奈奈子从小就代替父母照顾弟弟。
- The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled. 那加工厂昼夜不停地赶工,直到把定的货物赶出来为止。
- The workers work in three shifts around the clock. 工人们日夜不停地分三班轮流干活。
- We worked around the clock to finish the job. 我们为完成任务夜以继日地工作。
- He studied around the clock for his English exam. 他夜以继日地准备英语考试。
- They studied around the clock for the final-exams. 为了期末考试,他们整日学习。
- We work in shifts around the clock. 我们昼夜倒班。
- The Bank is open around the clock. 那家银行24小时营业
- The swimming pool is opened around the clock. 游泳池24小时开放。
- We study for the finals around the clock. 我们日以继夜地为期末考作准备。
- He studied around the clock for his history exam. 他日以继夜地准备历史考试。
- People with very important jobs sometimes have to work around the clock. 有要职在身的人有时要日以继夜地工作。
- The convenient store is open around the clock. 便利商店廿四小时营业。
- The store nearby is open around the clock. 附近的这家商店是二十四小时营业的。
- We're working around the clock to clear up our backlog. 我们日以继夜地工作为了清查积压未付订货。
- The doctors worked around the clock to stem the epidemic. 医生们不眠不休地为遏止传染病而工作。
- My mother worked around the clock,She felt washed out. 我母亲昼夜工作,她累坏了。
- In fighting the flood, they worked hard around the clock for. 他们与洪水搏斗奋战了三天三夜。
- Security staff provided around the clock, 24 hours a day. 全天24小时提供安全保安人员。