- The ancient Olympic Games also date from there. 古典奥运会也是从那开始的。
- When were the ancient Olympic Games abolished? 古代奥运会何时废除?
- The ancient Olympic Games was abolished in 394 AD. 公元394年古奥运会被废止。
- In the ancient Olympic Games,the athletes should vow to the God. 古希腊奥运会上,参赛选手要向神发誓。
- It is hard to imagine a picture of the ancient Olympic Games. 古代奥林匹克运动会的景象真不可想象。
- Greece was the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games. 希腊是古奥林匹克运动会的发源地。
- There he proposed to reinstate the ancient Olympic Games. 会议上,他提出恢复古代奥林匹克运动会。
- The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. 古代奥林匹克运动会创始于公元前776年左右
- Jeff: It is hard to imagine a picture of the ancient Olympic Games. 杰夫: 古代真不可想象。
- The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。
- How many centuries are the ancient Olympic Games known to have existed for? 古代奥运会持续了多少个世纪?
- The ancient Olympic Games is a splendid page in the history in world sports. 古代奥运会是世界体育史上灿烂的一页。
- Annie: I still want to hear your story about the ancient Olympic Games. 安妮: 我还想接着听你们说古奥运。
- Jeff: In the ancient Olympic Games, the athletes should vow to the God. 杰夫:古希腊奥运会上,有奥林匹克誓言,参赛选手要向神表白心迹。
- The Olympic flame ceremony to light the flame was held before the opening of the ancient Olympic Games. 于是古奥运会开幕前必须举行隆重的点火仪式,由祭司从圣坛上燃取奥林匹克之火。
- It was a pity that the ancient Olympic Games were on the wane after the Roman Empire dominated the ancient Greece. It was abolished in 394 AD. 只可惜罗马 帝国统治整个希腊后,古奥运会渐渐衰落并走向灭亡,公元394年被废止。
- The ancient Olympic Games were a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning. 古奥运一开始就是一个和平和友谊的象征。
- But with the conquering of the Macedonians and the Romans, the Ancient Olympic Games gradually disappeared from the scene. 但是随着马其顿、罗马对希腊的相继征服,古代奥林匹克运动会日渐衰落,直至湮没无闻。
- The ancient Olympic Games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different sites every time like modern Olympic Games. 另外,古代奥运会一直在奥林匹亚举行,而不像现代奥运会一样每一届都改变举办地。
- The ancient Olympic Games, which had lasted over a thousand years, disintegrated. 延续了一千余年的古代奥运会解体了。