- The main advantage of common law system may rely on the adversary system . 译:对抗制是一种寻求真相与正义的方法。
- As advocate, a lawyer zealously asserts the client's position under the rules of the adversary system. 作为庭审律师,律师在对抗制的法律规则之下,应站在委托人的立场积极主张其利益;
- It is proved by the practice of the civil trail pattern reformation of our country that neither the exofficio nor the adversary system is the right choice. 我国民事诉讼模式改革的历史实践证明,职权主义、当事人主义都不是理想的选择。
- At the background of the adversary system, expert witness system emphasizes that the adversaries participate in the procedure and play an important role in the lawsuit. 专家证人制度以当事人主义诉讼模式为背景,强调当事人在诉讼中的作用以及对程序的参与性,当事人可以自行聘请专家证人参加诉讼,专家证言需经双方当事人及法官询问后方可被采信。
- The Construction of the Pretrial Procedure in the Adversary System 当事人主义的审前准备程序的构建
- In view of fact that both the Inquisitional System and the Adversary System are products of deliberate design, plans of constructivist rationalism are doomed to self-deconstructing. 由于职权主义或当事人主义诉讼程序模式具有刻意设计的原因,从而作为唯理性设计的方案在实践落实上必然难逃自我解构的命运。
- The trial process which the courts in the United States use is the adversarial system. 美国法院的审判程序采用对抗式审判制。
- He pounced on the adversary with all his strength. 他用出全身气力向对手猛扑过去。
- Evolution of the Adversary System and Development of the Cooperative System 辩论主义的嬗变与协同主义的兴起
- Jury trial and the adversary system 陪审团审判与对抗式诉讼
- The adversary went about seeking whomever he might devour. 魔鬼四处寻找可噬的人。
- the adversary system 辩论主义
- The shots have a better chance of stunning the adversary. 较高几率使敌人晕眩。
- The shots have a better chance of wounding the adversary. 使敌人受到创伤。
- Melee attacks and shots pierce a part of the adversary's armour. 使近战及远距离射击穿透敌人盔甲。
- Steals power points from the adversary up to five times. 窃取来自敌人的力量点。
- A powerful blow that temporarily demolishes the adversary's armour. 持续较短时间破坏敌人护甲。
- The attacks are more likely to knock the adversary out. 强力敲打折磨敌人!
- Held squares can be recaptured at anymoment by the adversary. 保持正方形不被对手重新占领。