- "Nay, dear mother, say the accused person. “这应该说是被告。”
- She gave witness on behalf of the accused person. 她替被告作证。
- He gave witness on behalf of the accused person at the trial. 在开审时,他为被告作证。
- The accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime. 被告一口咬定说他是无辜的。
- The accused person was remanded for a week while more evidence was obtained. 那个被告被关1星期以待取得更多的证据。
- In a court of law, the accused person is presumed innocent at the start. 在法庭上,被告最初是被假定为清白的。
- A higher court of law overruled a lower court and set the accused person free. 上级法院否决了下级法院的判决,把被告释放了。
- The accused person alleged that the jewels that were found in his possession haft been planted on him by someone. 被告人辩解说从他的财物中找出来的那些珠宝是别人栽赃陷害他的东西。
- The accused man said he had been framed. 被告说他受人陷害了。
- The burden of proving innocence, in certain offences has been shifted to the accused person. 某些罪行中证明无罪的责任转由被告承担。
- The accused person had given various instructions and documents to DLA and his assigned solicitors for the trial. 被告人就案件曾向署长与被委派律师就审讯发出种种指示和提供文件。
- Let the accused person speak his answer into your mobile phone and the Voice Analyzer analyses the voice. 让被告对著你的手机回答问题,然后语音分析系统将会分析他的声音。
- The accused was used as a scapegoat. 被告成为别人的替罪羊。
- The paraclete of the accused person and close relative, person of classics the accused agrees, can put forward to appeal. 被告人的辩护人和近亲属,经被告人同意,可以提出上诉。
- Tells us from judicature's practice, the accused person retracts a confession in the court, shake-out the secret truth is suddenly more common. 来自司法的实践告诉我们,被告人在法庭上突然翻供,抖出幕后真相是较为常见的。
- The accused man denies that he has ever met her. 被告否认他曾经遇到过她。
- After case hair, wang Mou of the accused person already by city one quadrangle sentences a set term of imprisonment 15 years with intended homicide. 案发后,被告人王某已被市一中院以故意杀人罪判处有期徒刑十五年。
- He agreed to testify on behalf of the accused man. 他同意为被告作证。
- Several of the accused were found guilty. 被告中有数人被判定有罪。
- Constellation of the accused person overcomes intermediate, male, 27 years old, former department strokes worker of steelworks agglomeration workshop newly. 被告人宿克仲,男,二十七岁,原系新抚钢厂烧结车间工人。