- Ma survivors will be South Korea called for "to resolve the abduction issue," the need and asked for cooperation. 麻生还将向韩方呼吁“解决朝鲜绑架日本人问题”的必要性并要求提供合作。
- It forbids the abduction and kidnapping of women. 禁止拐卖、绑架妇女;
- Three of his aides were killed in the abduction. 在绑架中他的三个助手被杀.
- “The abduction issue is something that everyone, even schoolchildren, can understand,” said Yoneyuki Sugita, a historian at Osaka University. “绑架事件是每个人,即使是学童也能理解的。”
- the abduction issue 绑架问题
- It forbids the abduction and kidnapping of women as well as the sale and purchase of such women. 禁止拐卖、绑架妇女,也不许贩卖和购买妇女。
- Ten basic errors in the hours after the abduction could have given the kidnapper time to flee abroad and wrecked vital forensic evidence at the crime scene. 诱拐事件后的几个小时里的十个基本的错误可以给予绑架者时间逃亡国外和销毁犯罪现场的极其重要的证据。
- Japan, outraged at the abduction by North Korea of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s, hangs tougher. 日本,对上世纪70年代和80年代朝鲜对日本公民的绑架事件仍然愤恨不已,是比较强硬的一个。
- We don't want to personalize the issue. 我们不想把问题搞得个人化了。
- The ten-year war waged against Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen by Paris and resulting in the burning and destruction of Troy. 特洛伊战争古希腊人反对特洛伊人的十年战争,起因是帕里斯拐走了海伦,战争最后导致了特洛伊城被焚烧毁灭
- Ponce said troops recovered the vehicle used in the kidnapping in a nearby town two hours after the abduction. 旁斯说:“军方正在对他们实施追捕。他们正在步行逃离。”
- I'm not going to ride the fence on any issue. 对任何事情我都不打算骑墙观望。
- When the girl is kidnapped Creasy swears to kill each one responsible for the abduction. 当她被绑架后,他象一头暴怒的狮子,发誓要不顾一切去拯救她。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- In the two years since the abduction, Yvonne and her daughter have made many trips to the hospital. 在诱拐之后的两年中,Yvonne和她的女儿去了很多次医院。
- This is an issue of the utmost importance. 这是一个极为重要的问题。
- Arriving too late to stop the abduction, Section 9 must use all its resources to track down the missing businessman. 罪犯使用了和被称为“笑面男”事件发端的六年前的诱拐事件完全相同的手法,事件惊动了警视厅,9课的成员也为了逮捕笑面男出动了。
- This is not an issue of the utmost importance. 这不是一个很重要的问题。
- The ten-year war waged against Troy by the Greeks,caused by the abduction of Helen by Paris and resulting in the burning and destruction of Troy. 特洛伊战争古希腊人反对特洛伊人的十年战争,起因是帕里斯拐走了海伦,战争最后导致了特洛伊城被焚烧毁灭。
- Your objections do not touch the point at issue. 你提的反对意见与问题的实质无关。