- Then the Mongols established the Yuan dynasty. 以后蒙古人建立元朝。
- The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing. 元代建都于大都, 即今之北京。
- Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty. 对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛。
- Shapotou, said Shatuo ancient times, the Dune of the Yuan Dynasty. 沙坡头,古时称沙陀,元代名沙山。
- At that time, China was RULED BY THE Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan. 当时元世祖忽必烈汗正统治着中国。
- What splendid legacies were bequeathed to Beijing from the Yuan Dynasty? 元朝给北京留下了什么恢弘的遗产?
- After the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown, he gradually reunified China. 他通过一系列措施强化了统治地位。
- Goshawk and Ancient Pine by Zhang Shunzi and Xue Jieweng of the Yuan Dynasty. 张舜咨画松树以水墨写意而成,枝干苍劲,雪界翁画苍鹰,刻画精微工整细致,是宋代院体画。
- It became the central pavilion of Wanning Temple in the Yuan dynasty. 元大都时期这里是万宁寺的中心阁,阁内悬钟,所以叫“钟楼”。
- Hoopoe in a Secluded Bamboo Grove by Zhao Mengfu(1254-1322)of the Yuan Dynasty. 幽篁一枝自右下斜伸左上,用笔如削铁般有力而无丝毫燥气,真正写出了竹的“韧性”。
- In the Yuan Dynasty, rice was transferred to the north by way of rivers. 元代南方的粮食主要经过漕河运抵北方。
- The Yuan Dynasty installed an administrative agency of patrol and inspection in Penghu. 元朝政府在澎湖设置行政管理机构“巡检司”。
- The Yuan Dynasty installed an agency of patrol and inspection in Penghu to administer the territory. 元朝政府在澎湖设置行政管理机构“巡检司”。
- The names of these organizations and official posts were decided by the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. 所有机构和官职的名称都是元朝中央规定的。
- In 1368,the Ming Dynasty replaced the Yuan Dynasty in China,and inherited the right to rule Tibet. 1368年,明王朝接替元王朝,继承了治理西藏的权力。
- Since the Yuan Dynasty,the three events mentioned above were combined into one event. 从元朝时起,将射箭、赛马、摔跤比赛结合在一起,形成了男子三项竞技的固定形式。
- With the demise of the Yuan Dynasty, Suzhou became a gathering place for Chinese intellectuals. 自元朝以后,江南苏州一带,成为文人荟萃之地。
- The dancers' images are varied, ranging from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. 其中乐舞形象自成体系,琳琅满目,自北魏至元代,均有乐舞形象留存,
- The northern Chinese rock paintings were created between the Neolithic age and the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). 制作时间可能在新石器时代和元代之间。
- During the Yuan dynasty (a.D.1280-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people. 在元朝,蒙古人统治中国。