- The Sani is a branch of the Yi Nationality. 撒尼是彝族的一个支系。
- Juding by her dress,she may be of the Yi nationality. 从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族。
- Juding by her dress, she may be of the Yi nationality. 从她的打扮看,她或许是彝族。
- The Yi nationality is distributed mainly over Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. 彝族主要分布在云南、 四川和贵州三
- The "Moonlight Dance of axi", popular in Lunan and Mile of the Yunnan Province, is a kind of mass dance among axi and Sani people of the Yi nationality. "阿细跳乐"流传于云南的路南、弥勒等地,是该地彝族阿细人、撒尼人的群众性舞蹈,
- Ju Shezhe and A Maini, Yi scholars of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, worked out the first literary theory of the Yi Nationality. 南北朝时期的彝族学者举奢哲与阿买妮,创建了彝族文学理论。
- Autonomous prefecture of Chuxiong the Yi nationality, on laterite highland one has the district of deep history, long culture. 楚雄彝族自治州,红土高原上一个拥有深厚历史、悠久文化的地域。
- Abstract :The Yi nationality has a long history and brilliant culture, and already has their own language and writing system since the ancient time. 摘要:彝族有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,自古以来就有自己的语言和文字。
- The Yi nationality has a strong emotion towards their language and writing system, which make the Yi language and writing system passes on from one generation to another. 彝族人民对自己的语言文字有一种原生的天然感情,是这种特殊的天然感情使彝语言文字得到传承和延续。
- The audience all marveled at the pas de deux and pas de trios of the three leads, as well as the colorful and brilliant traditional dances of the Yi nationality in different scenes. 围绕三人组成了很精彩的双人、三人舞段。同时在展现着绚丽多彩的彝族各支系的民间舞。
- The relationship between the study of the Yi nationality and the study of the Chinese nation is like the relationship between the part and the entirety. They coexist cannot be taken apart. 彝学与中华学的关系就是局部与整体互相关联,缺一不可,并互相促进的关系
- This dissertation is based on investigations of ethnology and folklore. It makes a systematical and thoroughgoing study of the origin, evolution and function of the yi nationality's taboo. 本文依据大量的民族学和民俗学调查资料,对我国西南彝族禁忌的起源、发展演变、作用功能进行了比较系统的梳理和深入的分析研究,力图以此丰富和拓展有关禁忌文化的研究视野。
- The Yi Nationality, who reside in Chuxiong Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan province in China, have been developing a splendid national culture. 生活在中国云南省楚雄彝族自治州的彝族自古以来就有着古老而灿烂的文明史。
- On the Role of Bimo Preacher of the Yi Nationality 论彝族毕摩的角色
- Research on the Yi Nationality Genealogical Tree 彝族谱牒之研究
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- clothes and ornaments of the Yi nationality 彝族服饰
- mandarin inter-language of the Yi nationality 彝族汉语中介语
- The patlern of the attire and ornaments of the Yi nationality 彝族服饰图纹类型、艺术特点及美学价值
- On the Unique Value of the Eco-culture of the Yi Nationality 纳西族生态文化的独特价值