- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi paid a visit to the Yasukuni war shrine in Tokyo on anniversary of Japan's World War II defeat. 日本首相小泉纯一郎选择在日本战败的周年纪念日参拜靖国神社。
- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's repeated visits to the Yasukuni war shrine in Tokyo have also upset China, which views the shrine as a symbol of Japan's militaristic past. 此外,日本首相小泉一再参拜东京的靖国神社也令中国愤怒.中国认为靖国神社是日本军国主义历史的象徵。
- Mr. Koizumi angered both countries by his repeated visits to the Yasukuni war shrine, which honors Japan's war dead, including over a dozen convicted World War Two criminals. 小泉纯一郎多次参拜靖国神社,激怒了这两个国家.靖国神社里供奉着日本的战争亡灵,其中包括多名被定罪的二战战犯。
- the Yasukuni war shrine in Tokyo 东京靖国神社
- visit to the Yasukuni war shrine 参拜靖国神社
- the Yasukuni war shrine 靖国神社
- Notably, he has refused to pander to Japanese nationalists by visiting Tokyo’s tainted Yasukuni war shrine. 特别是他拒绝参拜访问包含日本民族主义色彩的东京靖国神社。
- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has reaffirmed his pledge to visit the controversial Yasukuni war shrine on the anniversary of Japan's World War Two surrender next week. 日本首相小泉纯一郎重申他将在下星期的二次世界大战结束日本投降纪念日之时参拜有争议的靖国神社的承诺。
- Aso avoided mention of sensitive issues at the news briefing, such as his offering last week at Tokyo's Yasukuni war shrine, which honours Japanese killed in World War II but also some war criminals. 麻生太郎在新闻发布会上避免提及敏感话题,比如他上周向靖国神社的献祭。靖国神社里供奉着二战期间战死的日本军人,不过也有一些战犯。
- Japan’s relations with its neighbours deteriorated under the leadership of Mr Fukuda’s predecessor but one, Junichiro Koizumi, with his devil-may-care visits to the militarist Yasukuni war shrine. 在福田的前任的领导下,日本与邻国关系恶化,特别是由于小泉纯一郎不顾一切地参拜军国主义的靖国神社。
- Japan's relations with its neighbours deteriorated under the leadership of Mr Fukuda's predecessor but one, Junichiro Koizumi, with his devil-may-care visits to the militarist Yasukuni war shrine. 由于小泉纯一郎坚持他“神鬼会在意”的理由而参拜代表军国主义的靖国神社,日本与其邻国的关系在其任内不断恶化。
- The Yasukuni Shrine honors Japan's war dead, including convicted war criminals. 靖国神社供奉著日本战争死难者,其中包括战犯。
- The Yasukuni Shrine which honors the Second World War era class A war criminals is the spiritual pillar of the Japanese national militarism. 摘要日本靖国神社供奉着二战甲级战犯牌位,是战时日本军国主义的精神支柱。
- The Yasukuni shrine honors two-and-a-half million Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals. 靖国神社内供奉着250万日本战争亡灵,包括被定罪的战犯。
- The Yasukuni shrine honors Japan's war dead, including several convicted World War Two criminals. 靖国神社里供奉着日本的战争亡灵,其中包括几名被定罪的二战战犯。
- Several of those honored at the Yasukuni Shrine were found guilty of war crimes during World War Two.Mr. 一些被供奉在靖国神社人是在二次世界大战中被判有罪的战犯。
- Several of those honored at the Yasukuni Shrine were found guilty of war crimes during World War Two. 那些在靖国神社被尊敬的一部分人在第二次世界大战中被判有战争罪。
- How many post-war Japanese prime ministers have visited the Yasukuni Shrine? 战后日本有多少首相曾去靖国神社参拜?
- As in the case of the revised textbook, visits by Japanese political leaders to the Yasukuni Shrine for the war dead are also an act of glorifying the past. 与修改教材一样,日本政治领袖参拜靖国神社,同样是一种美化历史的行径。
- Nowadays, several high-ranking officials paid their visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, where class A war criminals are enshrined. 今内阁高官数人,悍然参拜靖国神社,侵夺之心不灭,图霸之势昭然!