- the United Nations Security C 联合国安理会
- China is one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国,中国算一个。
- It is one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国,中国算一个。
- The United Nations Security Council speedily condemned the nuclear effrontery. 联合国安全理事会迅速谴责朝鲜核试验属无耻行为。
- They were addressing a session of the United Nation Security Council. 他们是在联合国安全委员会例会发表的。
- Permanent member of the united nation security council have a veto over any proposal. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国对一切提案均有否决权。
- The United Nations Security Council took sanctions against the aggressor country. 联合国安理会对侵略国采取了制裁措施。
- The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to its responsibilities,so we will rise to ours. 联合国安理会没有履行自己的责任,所以,我们必须站起来,去履行我们的责任。
- We have passed more than a dozen resolutions in the United Nations Security Council. 我们在联合国安理会已经通过了十多项决议。
- Almost three months ago, the United Nations Security Council gave Saddam Hussein his final chance to disarm. 近三个月前,联合国安理会给萨达姆 - 侯赛因最后一次机会解除武装。
- On the other hand the United Nations Security Council is being ignored by the unilateral and destructive action of some of its permanent members. 另一方面联合国安理会的权威在其一些永久成员国的单方面。毁灭性行动中被抛在一边。
- The People's Republic of China is given Taiwan's seat on the United Nations Security Council. 年,中华人民共和国被给予先前由台湾占有的联合国安全理事会席。
- The matter was referred to the United Nations. 此事被提交给联合国。
- Consult with other members of the United Nations Security Council on relevant issues. 同联合国安理会其它成员国进行讨论。
- Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal. 联合国安全理事会常任理事国对一切提案均有否决权.
- The disputes was referred to the United Nations. 这项争议已提交联合国处理。
- QUICK VOTE DO you think Japan should become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council? 你认为日本应该成为联合国安全理事会的一名永久成员吗?
- He sent me a postcard from the United Nations. 他从联合国给我寄来一张明信片。
- QUICK VOTE Do you think Japan should be a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council? 您认为日本应该成为联合国安理会常任理事国?
- He is accredit to the united nation. 他被任命为联合国大使。