- the White House with Paul Bremer, the US administrator in Iraq 美驻伊最高文职行政长官布雷默
- the US administrator in Iraq 美国驻伊拉克最高文职行政长官
- the top US administrator in Iraq 美驻伊拉克最高文职行政长官
- The chief US administrator in Iraq Bremer 美国负责监管伊拉克战后重建事务的最高行政长官布雷默
- The US has hit a grim milestone in Iraq. 美国在伊拉克受了重创。
- Ambassador Bremer's job as U.S. administrator in Iraq ended earlier this year with the transfer of power to an interim Iraqi government. 随着权力移交给伊拉克临时政府,布莱默大使作为美国驻伊拉克行政长官的任务结束了。
- In Iraq, it will be one of the biggest logistical challenges facing the US military: water. 在伊拉克,美军在后勤上面临的最大的挑战就是供水。
- The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq. 美军计划将配备了机关枪的机器人战士投入到打击伊拉克反抗势力的战斗中去。
- We oppose the attempt by the US to legitimise its occupation through the setting up of a pro-US regime in Iraq. 我们反对美国任何的企图,以通过在伊拉克建立亲美国政权,来合法化美国的侵占。
- The US military is handing over security control of Anbar province, once the heart of the Sunni insurgency in Iraq. 美军向伊方移交了对安巴省的安全控制。安巴省曾是伊拉克逊尼派叛乱分子的活动中心。
- In Baghdad, Shiites rally by the thousands, protesting a plan extending the US presence in Iraq by years. 在巴格达,数千名什叶派教徒聚集在一起抗议延长美国在伊拉克驻军的计划。
- President Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former CIA Director George Tenet, former U.S. Administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer, and former U.S. Commander in Iraq General Tommy Franks. 美国总统布什把总统自由勋章授予前中央情报局局。
- The month of May was the third deadliest for the US troops since the start of the war in Iraq. 自从在伊拉克的战争开始之后今年五月份对于美国军队来说是第三致命的月份。
- The situation in Iraq has turned sour. 伊拉克的局势已趋恶化。
- Cricket is a minority sport in the US. 板球在美国只是少数人喜爱的运动。
- The US military has announced more deaths in Iraq bringing the total number of US troops killed yesterday to 25. 美国军方宣告:昨天,在伊拉克又有更多美军死亡,使得美国军队死亡人数达到25。
- In the weeks ahead, violence in Iraq may escalate. 在之后的这几周,伊拉克的暴力行为可能会升级。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- The US coin of the lowest denomination is the cent. 美国硬币的最小单位是美分。
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言