- the US Patent Office 美国专利局
- Wipo, a UN agency, ranked Japan top of the patent league, followed by the US, the European Patent Office and South Korea. 作为联合国(UN)一个下属机构,世界知识产权组织将日本排在专利申请排行榜的首位,随后是美国、欧洲专利局(European Patent Office)和韩国。
- Scientists from pharmaceutical multinational Pfizer Inc. Came across Pliva's patent while searching the database of the US Patent and Trademark Office and realized the enormous potential of the antibiotic. 辉瑞跨国医药公司(Pfizer Inc.;)的科学家们在检索美国专利和商标局的数据库时;偶然发现了Pliva公司的这项专利并意识到这种抗菌素所具有的巨大潜力。
- US Patent Office of the Department of Commerce 美国商务部专利局
- The patent office needs90 days to wait for any possible opposition. 专利局需要90天的时间等候任何可能产生的反对意见。
- The intellectual property of the breakthrough is protected by two patents, applied for by CUHKs Technology and Licensing Office, and currently pending at the US Patent and Trademarks Office. 中大科技及专利许可事务处现正为这项崭新技术向美国国家专利商标局申请两项专利。
- In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use. 在专利局,我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。
- BNA International also provides US focused information under titles such as the Patent Trademark &Copyright Journal and the US Patents Quarterly. 国家事务出版公司国际公司同时按标题排列了美国专利商标和著作权期刊及美国专利季刊上的文章。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- The US coin of the lowest denomination is the cent. 美国硬币的最小单位是美分。
- The US senate vote against the proposal. 美国参议院投票反对该建议。
- Abstract: More than forty US patents about rosin since the 90’were searched. The text summarize the patent development of the US rosin modified products and its application. 摘要摘要:本文检索了自90年代以来与松香有关的美国公开的发明专利文献四十多篇,对美国松香改性产品及其应用的专利进展进行了综述。
- ARPANET started by the US Dept. of Defense for research. 美国国防部建立了阿帕网,作研究用。
- The Midwest is often called the granary of the US. 美国中西部地区常被喻为美国的粮仓。
- The tenure of the US Presidency is four years. 美国总统的任期是四年。
- Foreign-related Patent Office Designated by SIPO. 国家知识产权局指定的涉外代理机构。
- The US Copyright Office defines it as follows. 美国版权办公室对此下了如下定义。
- The patent office pended the settlement of a patent application. 专利局搁置了一项专利申请。
- The imperial gallon is not the same as the US gallon. 英制的加仑和与美制的容量不同。
- In 1902 he went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern. 1902年他到伯恩当上了专利局的鉴定员。