- the Tien An Men rostrum 天安门城楼
- The Society's headquarters were rooms just inside the Tien An Men on the west side of the courtyard. 社会的总部是仅仅在Tien在庭院的西方边上的一个男人之内房间。
- Thousands of eyes are fixed on the Tian An Men rostrum. 千万双眼睛仰望着天安门城楼。
- The procession slowly approached Tien An Men Square. 队伍慢慢地走近天安门广
- Tien An Men Square is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution. 天安门广场两侧是人民大会堂和中国革命博物馆。
- the Tien An Men rostrun 天安门城楼
- We have put Stalin's portrait up in Tien An Men Square. This accords with the wishes of the working people the world over and indicates our fundamental differences with Khrushchov. 我们天安门前挂斯大林像,是符合全世界劳动人民愿望的,表示了我们同赫鲁晓夫的基本分歧。
- For instance, such important decisions as the erection of the Monument to the Heroes of the People in Tien An Men Square and the demolition of Peking's city walls were made by the Central Committee and carried out by the government. 比如,在天安门建立人民英雄纪念碑,拆除北京城墙这些大问题,就是经中央决定,由政府执行的。
- The first place they visited was Tian An Men Square. 他们看的第一个地方就是天安门广场。
- To the west of Tian An Men is Zhongshan Park. 天安门迤西是中山公园。
- The red flags are flying over Tian An Men Square. 天安门广场上红旗飘扬。
- An men are equal in the sight of God. 上帝面前,人人平等。
- Both these buses do not lead to Tian An Men Square. 这两路公共汽车不都到天安门广场。
- Does this bus go straight to Tian An Men Square ? 这车是不是直达天安门广场?
- 1951 RN2 Type Tien An Men Design Colored New Year Letter Sheet, list of "Notice for Use" printed on reverse, tied by Heixian dater and Xinlitun arrival marking, scarce, VF-F 1951年辽宁黑县七区寄九区邮简,简为普东2型天安门图春节彩图邮简,背文字为“利用须知”,销黑县5月27日戳,有新立屯5月27日到达戳,较少见,上中品
- Does this bus go straight to Tian An Men Square? 这车是不是直达天安门广场?
- Tien An Men Square 天安门广场
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- For the first time it is mixed with jute and spun on jute machinery by the Tien Yuan Jute and Flax Mill, Wusih. 过去,蒲草是用作蒲包的,在大跃进中,无钖天元蔴棉纺广用来与黄蔴混纺制成蔴袋;
- In those days,few foreigners rode bicyles in Beijing.They took this photo in front of the portait of Chairman Mao on the rostrum of Tian An Men. 在当时的北京“老外”骑自行车是很稀罕的,这是他们在天安门的毛主席像前合影。