- the Taiwan region countryside 中国台湾农村
- Tsai, Y.B., T.L.Teng, J.M.Chiu, and H.L.Liu, 1977, Tectonic implications of the seismicity in the Taiwan region: Mem.Geol.Soc.China, 2, 13-41. 陈燕玲,1995,台湾地区三维速度构造与隐没构造之相关探讨:国立中央大学地球物理研究所硕士论文,172页。
- Hsu Heng, an honorary member of International Olympic Committee, presided today's flag handing over ceremony in Taipei for the Taiwan region contestants. 国际奥委会荣誉委员徐亨今天在台北主持了台湾地区选手的授旗仪式。
- Obvious medium-term,short-term and imminent precusory anomalies were revealed by the EDM station situated in Hualian and cross Huadong faults in the Taiwan region. 台湾花莲跨花东断层的EDM观测台揭示了9.;21大地震有明显的中期和短临前兆。
- Then, the Taiwan region's biggest giant is supposed to overpass Samsung Electronics, LG Phillips LCD and CMO in one year, marking another record for the TV LCD panels. 以1980年代半导体的历史荣景推估,中国台湾正享有具竞争力的基础建设和不可思议的分析能量。
- Properly addressing, through consultations, the issue of international living space of the Taiwan region commensurate with its status so as to share the dignity of the Chinese nation. 通过协商,妥善解决台湾地区在国际上与其身分相适应的活动空间问题,共享中华民族的尊严。
- The change of the Taiwan regional leaders can not change the fact that Taiwan is a part of Chinese territory. 台湾地区领导人的更替改变不了台湾是中国领土一部分的事实。
- The athlete is swimming across the Taiwan Strait. 这个运动员正以游泳横渡台湾海峡。
- Know the Taiwan history from proverb. 从台湾谚语看台湾历史.
- The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 20, No. 18. 中华民国专利公报,第20卷第18期。
- The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 29, No. 35. 中华民国专利公报,第29卷第35期。
- The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 23, No. 18. 中华民国专利公报,第23卷第18期。
- The Taiwan stocks have tumbled recently. 台湾股市最近跌得真惨。
- The Taiwan Patent Gazettes, Vol. 28, No. 15. 中华民国专利公报,第28卷第15期。
- How do you produce the Taiwan tilapia hybrid? 繁殖台湾鲷的方法?
- Is Earthquakes Sequence in Taiwan Region Following Poisson Process? 台湾地区地震发生是否符合卜桑过程?
- In July2003 Real Estate Security Act was laid down in Taiwan region. 我国台湾地区于2003年7月制定了《不动产证券化条例》。
- What is the present state of the Taiwan question? 台湾问题的现状如何?
- He often dreams about his days in the countryside. 他常梦见在乡下的那些日子。