- This Hotei lived in the T'ang dynasty. 布袋和尚生在唐朝。
- Don't forget the t ngs you once you owned. 曾经拥有的,不要忘记。
- 1.After clean or with toner, rub some to the areas got inflammaton of acne,or just apply to the T zone,pat to absorb. 1、早晚洁肤或爽肤后,涂抹于暗疮或粉刺等炎症部位,轻轻按摩至吸收。
- The 't' in 'often' may be elided. often 中的 t 可以不发音。
- Dot the being and cross the t 's . 画龙点睛。
- The 't' in 'postman' may be elided. postman中的t可以省略不读.
- Shark Fin Experts at the T'ang Garden Restaurant! 唐苑酒家,鱼翅专家!
- He struck out a path through the t hick et. 他开辟了一条穿过灌木林的新路。
- Rationalism is also part of the T personality. 理性至上也是T-人格的一部分。
- The t's not as good as it could be. 这本应该会更好的。-
- You'll have to make sure that you dot your i's and cross the t's while doing the work. 做这工作时,你应该做到一丝不苟。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- Yeah, it was a relief to finally cross the t's and dot the i's. 是啊,最终搞定这些细节真是一种解脱。
- The %CDT is a better marker for diagnosis of ALD than GGT and MCV. 对于ALD的诊断 ,%25CDT、GGT、MCV均具有一定的诊断价值 ,尤其 %25CDT是一个很好的辅助诊断指标。 %25CDT与GGT联用可提高敏感度
- Activate the T &P Valve to release any water in the piping. 打开降温减压安全阀释放管道内的任何水。
- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- Are you leading the path or crossing the ' t ', dotting the ' i '? 最后一张是站在球场上拍的吗?捕抓得真好!
- The local press challenged the license of the T.V.station. 当局吊销了这家电视台的营业执照。
- Li Lin-fu was a prime minister of China during the T'ang dynasty. 此人若论才艺倒也不错,能书善画。但若论品德,那是坏透了。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。