- Gaolong Au deposit is a sedex deposit in Dian-Qian-Gui rift. 高龙金矿为产于滇黔桂裂谷中的热水沉积型矿床。
- Dongchuang Pb Au deposit is a large quartz vein type deposit. 东闯铅、金矿床是一大型石英脉型矿床。
- Yangshan Au deposit is an unexploited giant deposit. 阳山金矿床为一尚未开发的特大型金矿床。
- Paishanlou large size Au deposit is hosted by tonalite in which upper crustal amphibolitic rock inclusions occur. 研究结果表明,排山楼金矿的容矿围岩是一套以英云闪长岩为主体,含少量角闪质上壳岩包体及脉岩的组合。
- Keeping the SB Chair apprised of the progress of the SIG. 使SB主席团体的进步通知了。
- The host rocks of Zhaishang Au deposit are mainly argillic, calc and carbonaceous slates and silty sandstone. 摘要寨上金矿区赋矿岩石主要为泥质、钙质、碳质板岩、粉砂岩等。
- The relationship of the SR RECEIPT qty and the SB PORTFOLIO qty. 收条管理系统的存闰与SB记录股票存量的关系.
- Combination of geochemical exploration and geology leads to the discovery of Jinlongshan Au deposit. 摘要金龙山金矿是化探与地质普查相结合的方法找到的。
- The Au deposit of West Java is situated in the Xijiaowan volcanite Au,Pb,Zn,Cu multimetallic metallogenetic zone. 西爪哇金矿位于印度尼西亚西角湾火山岩金、铅锌铜多金属成矿带,该区有众多金矿床(点)。
- In this paper,we think they must be excluded from the "Carlin-type Au deposit" and call them basaltic Au deposit anew. 本文提出应从“卡林型金矿”中剔除,另行命名为玄武岩金矿。
- The nano-SnO_2 intermingled with the Sb to prepare ATO conduction powder. 将纳米SnO_2与Sb掺杂,制备了ATO导电粉,将实验得出的优化分散工艺用于ATO导电粉,然后以E-51树脂为基体,用处理好的ATO粉为填料制备了ATO导电膜。
- The deposit is a medium-low temperature altered cataclastic rock type Au deposit. 金矿床属中低温热液构造蚀变岩型金矿。
- Traditionally,the SB is fermented by using jiaotou as starter culture. 传统方法制作馒头是用老酵头作为发酵剂。
- Jiuduigou Au deposit is controled by volcanic breccia body and compressional faults. 九对沟金矿床受火山角砾岩体及张扭性断裂带控制;成矿元素在角砾岩体中富集;
- It belongs to the micrograined Au deposit of structural hydrothermal alteration type. 明显受构造、地层及岩性控制,属构造一热液蚀变岩型微粒金矿。
- The host rocks of Zhaishang Au deposit are mainly argillic,calc and carbonaceous slates and silty sandstone. 寨上金矿区赋矿岩石主要为泥质、钙质、碳质板岩、粉砂岩等。
- And the lateritic Au deposit is also influenced by the land form, eluvial-slope wash and weathering crust degvelopment. 红土型金矿还受地形、残坡积层、风化壳发育程度影响。
- The discovery of large scale Tuobuka Au deposit shows the Au-prospecting potentiality in Dongchuan region. 超大型拖布卡金矿的发现,表明东川地区具备找金前景。
- All members of the SB, members of the EC, and members of the PRA are honorable volunteers and receive no salary or cash compensation. 所有理事,校务干事及家长代表均为荣誉义务职,不得支领薪水或现金补贴。
- The Jingushan Au deposit occurred in the Kedao Formation strata,the mineralizing type belongs to structural altered rock one. 金谷山金矿床产于上古生界二叠系柯岛组地层中,矿化类型为构造蚀变岩型。