- the Rebellion of Eight Princes 八王之乱
- British politician who served as prime minister(1770-1782) under George III and instituted policies that led to the rebellion of the American colonies. 诺思爵士,托马斯1535?-1601?英国翻译家,他的关于蒲鲁特克著作的版本被用作许多莎士比亚戏剧的来源
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- The rebellion was soon stamped on by the army. 军队很快平息了叛乱。
- The 1960 saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions. 1960年见证了年轻一代对既定传统的反叛。
- The rebellion was crushed by government forces. 政府军已把叛乱镇压下去。
- A byte composed of eight binary elements. 一个由8个二进制数位组成的字节。
- They are just the worst aspects of the American life that give rise to the rebellion of the character in Arrowsmith. 它们既是刘易斯辛辣讥讽的对象,也是导致其作品中主人公进行反叛的社会根源。
- The rebellion of errantry causes the disappearance of the ancient Chinese sports culture from the mainstream culture. 游侠自身的叛逆性导致了中国古代体育从主流文化中逐渐消失。
- A deposit of eight pounds clinched the bargain. 8英镑完全办妥了这笔交易。
- The film tells us the story that our army crash the rebellion of the upper reactionary elements in Tibet. 描写我军在西藏粉碎上层反动分子叛乱队谋,平息叛乱的斗争故事。
- In 13th century, the abandonment cause of ancient ruins was probably the rebellion of Haidu and Duwa. 13世纪古城废弃的主要原因可能是海都、都哇叛乱对南疆地区的侵扰。
- After the rebellion of the elder and younger Hoga was put down in Qianlong24(1759),Qing dynasty united Xinjiang again . 乾隆二十四年(1759)清朝平定大、小和卓叛乱,重新统一新疆。
- The committee is comprized of eight members. 该委员会是由八个人组成的。
- The rebellion was quickly quashed. 叛乱被迅速平息。
- One of eight types of kilns in the Song Dynasty. 八大窑系中的建窑系窑址之一。
- With the rebellion of the colonies and the formation of the United States, this business has, of course, come to an end. 随着殖民地的革命和合众国的形成,这种买卖当然已经临到了末路。
- The book consists of eight chapters. 那书共有八章。
- When one mentions Henry Miller, one immediately thinks of the rebellion of the philosophy of unrestrained sensuality against a culture which denies sexual pleasure. 一提米勒小说,人们先会想到放浪形骸的感性生活哲学对禁欲式文化的反叛。
- And later, after the rebellion of the Noldor, Galadriel was introduced to Melian, who had taught the Sindar of Menegroth many things. 过了不久,在诺多叛乱之后,盖拉德丽尔被介绍给那位向麦尼哥洛斯的辛达精灵传授了许多东西的梅丽安。