- The puritan ethic was being replaced by the Hedonist ethic, right there in the heartland. 就在中心地域,清教徒伦理观被享乐主义伦理观所取代。
- Crash testing brand-new vehicles may rub the Puritan ethic the wrong way, but it's the only sure way to find out just what a car is capable of in terms of protecting its occupants. 碰撞测试全新的车辆可擦清教徒道德的错误的方式,但它的唯一可靠途径找出什么样的汽车能够在保护其占用。
- The Puritan society secularized continuously. 此后,清教社会持续世俗化。
- the Puritan ethic 清教徒的伦理观
- We think of the Puritans as staid people. 我们认为清教徒是很稳重的人。
- Munchie has never heard of the Puritan Work Ethic. (His philosophy is closer to the Pure Tan Play Ethic. 麦奇从来没有听说过什么是“清教徒式的工作狂”。(他的处世哲学更接近“玩乐至上主义”。
- The Puritan exclusive localism breeded Isolationism. 清教排他的地方主义是孤立主义滋生的温床 ;
- The Puritans, however, had a mean streak. 然而,那些清教徒生性也有卑劣的一面。
- Of or relating to the Puritans or Puritanism. 属于或有关清教徒或清教主义的
- It indicates Hawthorne’s attitude towards the Puritan. 这部作品表明了霍桑对清教徒的态度。
- The Puritan family, also maligned by ignorant moderns, stands as a model. 清教徒的家庭是模范家庭,却也不幸被无知的现代人所曲解。
- To England. As a result, the Puritan Movement was started in England. 清教徒运动开始了。
- Hester shows her inner feelings of ambivalent attitude to the Puritan beliefs. 海丝特表明了她内心世界对清教教义的矛盾态度。
- The Puritan movement began in the Church of England in the sixteenth century. 清教徒的运动在十六的世纪内在英国的教堂中开始。
- The essence of the western values at the beginning of market economy manifested itself in the revival of Greek spirit and in the orientation of Puritan ethics. 西方市场经济始建中的价值观精华体现为希腊精神的复兴和新教伦理的取向。
- They named it after the Puritan minister who willed half his estate and all his books to the college. 他们以一位在遗嘱中将半数产业和所有书籍都捐给这所大学的清教徒牧师来为学校命名。
- The puritan hate bear - bait not because it give pain to the bear but because it give pleasure to the spectator. 清教徒之所以憎恨“折磨狗熊”游戏,并非因为它给狗熊以痛苦,而是因为它给观众以欢乐。
- But, in that early severity of the Puritan character, an inference of this kind could not so indubitably be drawn. 但是,由于早年清教徒性格严峻,这种推测未免过于武断。
- The practices and doctrines of the Puritans. 清教徒的习俗和教义
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。